Masters of Health Magazine March 2019 | Page 56

In August 2018, the floods in Kerala, India destroyed an estimated 11,000 km of roads, 237 bridges, 522 schools, and about 27,000 houses. Nearly 500 people lost their lives, and 15 lakh (1.5 million) were displaced.

Now is the time to think about how to rebuild the infrastructure and formulate a guideline for implementing further development of the state of Kerala in harmony with nature in order to prevent such disasters in the future. Also, the infrastructure should be such that it can withstand any future disasters with minimum loss and suffering.

In support of the Government of Kerala and their rebuilding process, the Global Energy Parliament (GEP) is drawing up a Kerala State Master Plan based on a holistic and sustainable development of infrastructure and use of natural resources that attaches particular importance to spatial planning, long-term approaches, and a holistic vision.

This will be a new global model for a Sustainable State in harmony with nature. It can also be replicated anywhere in the world, taking into account local conditions.

We will examine the prevailing situation and address the causes, with particular regard to post-flood conditions, development trends, demographic practices, and existing trends in housing, roads, population, forests, rivers, and agriculture, etc. to create sustainable solutions.

We are seeking experts in all fields ranging from forestry to hydrology, to sustainable transportation and housing. Those who are willing to contribute to this venture by way of data, proposals, or physical support may kindly coordinate with this institution.





Global Energy Parliament (GEP)

Click the link to watch the video of IVPT's flood outreach in Trivandrum, Kerala

Call for Contributors -- Sustainably Remoulding Kerala