Masters of Health Magazine March 2019 | Page 35

by Lady Carla Davis, MPH

© 2019 Lady Carla Davis -

Learn more about water and hydration. Remember: three days without water or severe dehydration can kill! If nothing else, ensure that you always have pure, clean, structured water to hydrate your heart and other organs on a daily basis.

Read about the World of Water by Dr. Masaru Emoto in the July 2017 issue of MOH. (13:38 H302/Fourth Phase),, and the science of water by MJ Pangman and Melanie Evans:

FULL SPECTRUM LIGHT & SUNLIGHT: Full spectrum light, which includes sunlight, is another vital nutrient for heart function. Unfortunately, people have been misled about wearing sunglasses and applying sunblock, which prevent the body from absorbing vital nutrients from full spectrum light and sunshine. This type of light creates energy and strengthens the immune system. In fact, photons from sunlight, quality protein, and EFAs in balance (omega 3 in particular) are what enable the heart to keep ticking. This is a form of human photosynthesis, and the more sunlight you get, without burning, the healthier your heart. To learn more, READ “LIGHT: A VITAL NUTRIENT, by Lady Carla Davis, MPH, in the August 2017 issue of MOH and other light articles in the September 2018 MOH issue that featured Dr. Octavio Perez. Also, see: (13:38)

NUTRITIOUS DIET & LIFESTYLE: Biochemical individuality and various factors determine what kind of diet is best for you. Work with a good nutritionist to find out what your heart needs to be healthy and free of disease. Consume a healthy, nutritious diet that provides these nutrients and maintain a slim waistline. A larger than normal waistline is a risk factors for heart disease. Maintaining a proper level and ratio of the heart minerals, such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and iodine are vital for heart health and happiness. A deficiency or imbalance of any of these minerals can be deadly. Women have often been told that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach! Well, the same applies to both a woman’s and child’s heart!

Educate yourself with my articles in each issue of MOH, which featured me in the March 2017 issue. Also, learn how to select and prepare healthy, gluten-free, sugar-free, heart healthy recipes for your blood type/genetics from my Nourishing Basics Cook Book and Recipe pages at:

Good nutrition starts in the soil. Learn about the importance of healthy soil for healthy food in the MOH September 2017 issue that featured Neal Kinsey. Learn about the benefits of transdermal magnesium for the heart, by Sandy Sanderson, in MOH July 2018 issue and featured in the January 2019 issue.

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SLEEP: Sleep is vital for a healthy heart at every age. Lack of or poor quality sleep disrupts many of the body’s biological processes and contributes to cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease, mood disorders, insulin resistance, poor immune function, and lower life expectancy. Adolescents who don’t sleep well are also at risk.

One study found that men with severe sleep apnea were 58% more likely to develop congestive heart failure then men without this night-time breathing disorder. Shift work and a constantly changing night-time work schedule can also put you at risk.

When you sleep your body repairs and replenishes hormones. During long, deep periods of rest, certain chemicals are activated that help normalize blood pressure and heart rate. As Dr. Mark Hyman, MD, ten-time #1 NYTimes Best Selling author, stated, “Poor quality sleep has become all too common in our stressed-out, super-busy, hyper-caffeinated, modern world.” Follow his “Five Tips For better Sleep” in the MOH October 2018 issue.