Masters of Health Magazine June 2024 | Page 15

Why You Want

More Carbon Dioxide

By Ashley Armstrong, PhD, MS, BSME,

Cert. Personal Trainer


CO2 plays a critical role in oxygen transport within the body; higher CO levels enable hemoglobin to release more oxygen to cells, a process explained by the Bohr and Haldane effects   

CO2 supports vital physiological functions such as improving vasodilation, gut health, and the functionality of Vitamin K, which includes enhancing blood clotting and bone mineralization

Proper carbohydrate oxidation produces 50% more CO2 compared to fat oxidation, enhancing the delivery of oxygen to cells and boosting energy production

Increasing your CO2 levels can elevate your metabolic rate, as CO2 helps deliver oxygen more efficiently, allowing cells to produce significantly more energy from glucose

Proper carbohydrate metabolism and controlled breathing (preferably nasal) will help you maintain optimal CO2 levels