Masters of Health Magazine June 2024 | Page 10

The Body's Innate Intelligence

 by Dr. Drew Karp, DC, FIAMA

Patients often come to see me after seeing several allopathic medical doctors or specialists.  Usually, they have gone through several tests such as blood work, ultrasound, urine analysis, MRI, CT scans, etc., possibly without a definitive diagnosis or plan of care.

These patients show up in my wellness center confused without any answers, looking for personalized, body-friendly help for their unexplained symptoms or health challenges.

Being a chiropractic physician for 38 years, certified in acupuncture for 23 years, and applied kinesiologist for 20 years, I learned that the body’s innate intelligent body has all the answers to its health challenges.

This innate intelligence oversees millions of chemical reactions every second of every day without us giving us a thought.  

To name a few functions, this intelligence digests and assimilates the food we eat, has our heartbeat about 35 million times a year, breathes 22,000 times a day, circulates our blood equal to 12,000 miles a day, and restores and regenerates the body overnight. This unmatched intelligence we are all gifted with is far superior to any supercomputer.

I work with the bodys innate intelligence in two ways:

1) Accessing the underlying cause(s) of unexplained symptoms or health challenges.

2) Utilizing my BOĆE™ technology that I developed to attain the balance, optimization, coherence, and enlivened state daily. 


Let me share about each of these.


To access the underlying cause(s):

When a patient presents with a set of symptoms, there has to be a cause. The symptom(s) are the effect.

Something is causing the body to malfunction, and as a result, there are unexplained symptoms or health challenges.

These underlying factors may not always show on a blood test, ultrasound, or MRI because they are below-the-radar. However, these below-the-radar factors may be responsible for the positive blood test results or symptoms.


There may be functional imbalances in one or several glands or organs that are causing the symptoms.

There may be unseen, deep-seated chemical, heavy metal, or immune disturbances at the root cause.

Whatever the unseen, below-the-radar toxins there are, the body knows what they are and where they are. The key is to access this vital information from the body.


How do we do that?


Talking about body language is what I call Bio-Energetics.

The body is energy, and it communicates energetically.


In Dr. Joe Dispenza’s groundbreaking book Becoming Supernatural, he says that the atom is 99.999999999999% empty space or energy.

So if every atom is that, and atoms make up the body, what does that say about the body? We are energy beings. Communicating directly with the body at this level is the key to gathering information about the body.


Once we access and gather vital information about the body, what do we do with that?


Help the body attain balance, optimization, and coherence and be enlivened daily. 

Why? Because in this naturally occurring, illuminated state, the body is best able to detoxify, heal, and regenerate itself.

The body knows what to do when given the right conditions. But, because of a toxic overload of current, chronic, and even hereditary stressors, it cannot perform its functions optimally.  Over time, unexplained symptoms and health challenges appear.

The many approaches we see online, such as taking this supplement, eating these foods, doing this exercise, doing this meditation, all to get the body to function better.

That may be all well and good and have some value. Yet, in my 38 years of experience, the key is to get all the organs, glands, and systems in balance, coherence, and optimization.

The heart, kidneys, lungs, stomach, intestine, microbiome, hypothalamus, pineal, thyroid, pancreas, adrenals, ovaries, prostrate, and systems - all on the same stage, functioning in perfect harmony. Like a world-class orchestra playing magnificently in perfect harmony, balance, and coherence. That is how we want our bodies to function each day.

And then, let the amazing, intelligent body make the necessary internal changes and corrections. Who better?

The innate intelligence is the conductor, and all the cells, tissues, organs, glands, and systems are the musicians and instruments. I have spent my career working with this.

The comment I most often hear in my wellness center after explaining what is going on with a new patient is, That Makes Sense.”

Accessing the root cause(s) from the body is the first part of the wellness equation.

Figuring out how to attain that balance, optimization, coherence, and enlivened state daily is next.

Because I can only personally care for a small group of people, I made it my mission to create unique products that energetically help balance, optimize, produce coherence, and enliven (BOĆE™) the body daily. 


In fact, the body’s innate intelligence is the best and ultimate healer. Utilizing my BOĆE™ technology, we strive to honor and optimize that gift. You can learn more at

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