Masters of Health Magazine June 2023 | Page 98

Some liken this scale to "aural caffeine," saying it influenced the Western Hemisphere to spur industrialization and modernization. In contrast, the Eastern Hemisphere played the older scales with soothing sounds and developed meditation practices. Now popular music is becoming worldwide, lessoning cultural differences.

Popular music styles changed rapidly from swing to jazz, rock and roll, heavy metal and rap in just sixty years. At this time the changes in our society have also been immense. Sixty years ago it was novel to see color TV. Now fax machines, cell phones and computer games have revolutionized our world. Once again, the sonic vibratory changes precede the physical ones.


Modern melodies sport sequential notes, displaying a system of two's... Rap music sounds a 1/1 rhythmic pattern of the same pitch, a musical system of one's. Likewise pop music displays a 1/1 rhythmic beat - heightening a perception of individualization - the peak experience of duality.


In conclusion, musical systems throughout the ages reveal a pattern of frequencies becoming closer together, as civilizations learned various lessons. The musical numeric patterns through the ages have gone from 9 to 7 to 6 to 5 to 4 to 3 to 2 to 1! When a musical style stopped - the culture transitioned and rebirthed with new music. Throughout the ages, man incarnated into matter and duality, as the music descended, and the space between neighboring notes decreased from nine of our notes to only one.


If listening to frequencies closer together precedes further separation from God - then reversing this process should facilitate evolution and our journey back to the Divine. Listening to ancient musical patterns may expand our consciousness... perhaps leading to increased awareness, including that of the Divine!

My musical productions copy many of these techniques throughout the ages - aiming to restore these ancient vibratory benefits employed throughout the ages.