Additionally, we have found that these body systems are redundant. Our comparison studies have shown a relationship between knee pain/stress and heart function.
If the knees are experiencing pain, it is likely time to check for potential heart issues because a muscle that supports the knee is identical in frequency to the heart muscle.
There are thousands of these mathematical relationships between muscles and biochemistry, biochemistry and biology; muscles and nutrients, nerves and emotions… For example, Serotonin (the wake up biochemical) is mathematically the square root of melatonin, (a sleep biochemical).
Our studies, along with the work of Royal Rife further shows that pathogens can be neutralized using low frequency sound oscillations. Evan the sounds we use as language mimic musical layering frequencies.
In our modern world science often attempts to emulate nature. A prime example of this in modern medicine: digitalis emulates the herbal principles of the herb foxglove. Science broke down the effects of foxglove and rebuilt it into a medication. Quandary: use the herb itself which is nature balanced or the singular man made medication which may cause side effects?
This brings us to another quandary. Is slow, less expensive natural remedies better or worse than researched man made medications? Which do we trust? Which should you trust?
Unfortunately, this brings us to the many motivations of human behavior. Modern medications are often just expensive representations of what can be accomplished alternatively. Migraine medication or aromatherapy? Soothing music or anti-stress meds? Pain pills or sound presentation to relieve discomfort? anxiety or meditation?
Somewhere along the way we have been dupped into believing that something that is more expensive is better. Big pharma certainly likes that idea. They have even gone so far as to claim that artificial infant formula purchased from them is better than mother’s milk. What is the motivation in this case? Would there be objections from those firmly attached to greed, to a form of frequency remedies that could readily be dialed in for any occasion based on the identified “out of tune” frequencies of the body? Do humans have the right of SELF-HEALTH?
Using the stable principles of math, side effects and muscle trauma can be predicted, and medication compatibilities can be ascertained through mathematical evaluations of vocal frequencies. The use of layered math frequency presentation has been used successfully to diagnose and ameliorate a vast array of human health issues even though the field of Human BioAcoustics is still in its infancy.
How can this help our present health dilemmas? Let’s take a prominent health issue like diabetes caused weight issues to present a potential pathways to resolve a health related issue using low frequency sound. Nearly 40 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes.
Recently Semaglutide based meds (aka Rybelsus, Ozempic, Wegovy and Mounjaro) have come on the market that are being used to lose weight and combat type 2 diabetes – at a cost of nearly $2000 per month.
Semaglutide et al, influences the Glucagon-like peptide that belongs to a class of medications known as incretin mimetics. Wikipedia reports that GLP-1 stimulates gluconeogenesis, which is the process the body uses to make glucose from protein or fat. This process lowers blood sugar by stimulating glucose uptake into the cells and increasing how efficiently the body uses insulin. GLP-1 lowers hepatic (liver) glucose output, which helps regulate blood sugar levels.
As gluconeogenesis increases, glucagon receptors are reduced in the liver, inhibiting glucose formation and stimulating glucose uptake by cells, thus lowering the amount of glucose in the blood.
An analysis of the math matrix associated with GLP-1 shows that the frequencies of GLP-1 medications emulate the frequencies of hepatic lipase (liver related). This is associated with the idea that weight issues and insulin resistance are both related to the liver’s cholesterol functions.
In many studies that have been conducted, hepatic lipase is also closely related to obesity. Cedo’s studies concluded that a deficiency of Hepatic Lipase leads to liver inflammation as well as obesity problems.
The question that the Sound Health Institute will attempt to answer: Is the $2000 a month medication just an emulator of the frequencies of the body’s own hepatic lipase? Does simply ingesting a form of hepatic lipase as a supplement or ambiently being exposed to the frequencies associated with hepatic lipase, have any bearing on stubborn weight loss issues and diabetes? Is the math matrix of Ozympic comparable to the math matrix of the body own hepatic lipase?
There comes a time in our lives when we may need to perceive our lives through the motivations of those around us. Is it better to accept expensive medications based on reverse engineering of nature or is it reasonable for each of us to have an option to sustain our own optimal form and function?
Is greed the major motivation of modern-day drug companies? What about consideration for the compassionate needs of millions of weight stressed inhabitants of this planet? What about our rights to self health and self knowledge?
As above (planetary movements) so below (our cellular orbits) can we expect to have dominion over our own form and function by harnessing the predictable aspects of math? Can our known principles of math explain creation?
If we can we influenced our brain to heal us individually through the presentation of frequency-layered patterns of math – and we have proven that we can in many instances – why not explore that opportunity?