Masters of Health Magazine June 2023 | Page 76

Dear Organic Consumers Association Supporters,

It is with heavy hearts we share that our beloved International Director Ronnie Cummins has passed away in Mexico on April 26, 2023. Ronnie tragically lost his life to recently diagnosed bone and lymph cancer after dedicating so much of his life’s work to exposing the connections of disease and the toxins in our environment.

All of us at OCA, Regeneration International and Vía Orgánica are heartbroken. We have been reeling with the loss. The outpouring of love and respect for Ronnie that we are receiving about the impact of his life’s work on others is lifting our spirits and is helping us through our own grieving process.

From OCA’s Field Organizer Director, Kaare Melby:

“I’m deep in grief with the loss of Ronnie. I’ve known him my whole life. He has been a mentor and teacher to me, and he taught me about radical populism. He helped me learn how to bring the theory of social change to reality. He taught me to stand up for truth, no matter the consequences. He taught me how powerful the truth is, even in the face of unimaginable power and greed.

His lessons will be the stuff we will study for decades. But I still can’t assimilate the reality that he is gone. And when I approach that reality, the emotions are still too much. We needed him. But now that he is gone, the world needs us to pick up where he left off. The regenerative revolution is now OUR responsibility. Let us all find the strength to carry it on and make the future all that Ronnie knew it could be. He never stopped fighting for us, now let’s come together to fight for his regenerative vision.”

From OCA’s Political Director, Alexis Baden-Mayer:

“What a life and person to celebrate! He’s left us a fortune in books, articles, songs and speeches, not to mention farms & organizations. We’ll never have to be totally without him because he’s left so much of himself here with us.”

From Regeneration International Director, André Leu:

“I’m still in shock and deeply saddened by his passing. Ronnie was a genius, a brilliant mind, an inspirational leader, and a strongly principled change agent who promoted regenerative organic agriculture and fought against corruption and corporate greed. He was a wonderful and very close friend. I’ll miss him.”

Ronnie drew much of his inspiration from all of you, the OCA & RI supporters; let us all carry Ronnie’s torch moving forward in our activist work.

Celebration of life gathering will be held at the Vía Orgánica Ranch outside of San Miguel de Allende Mexico, Sunday May 7, 3:00 pm Central, 2:00 pm, Mexico. We invite you to light a candle and join the  livestream.

In Solidarity,

OCA and RI staff

Our Beloved Ronnie Has Passed