Masters of Health Magazine June 2023 | Page 68

weather geoengineering, and injected into babies/children via toxic shots/vaccines. 


Parents must stop exposing their babies and toddlers to experimental injections, EMFs (e.g., wifi, screens, smart devices, TVs, etc.), and plastics (e.g., bottles, dishes/bowls/cups, toys, etc.) that give off synthetic estrogens.  Medical boards and regulators are among the worst offenders with conflicts of interest and their mandates, including masks that contain plastics and other harmful ingredients.   EMF solutions and safer options are readily available.



The current culture constantly negates masculinity and femininity through social media, TV, video games, music, hairstyles, fashion, and the environment.  Both sexes, including children, are being dehumanized.  In trying to be trendy,parents are complicit in this destructive agenda against males, females, and humanity.  Thus, they are a big part of the problem. 


Look at how many men shave their head hair for the ‘trendy’ militarized look, and women dress like men rather than look feminine.  Neither are in harmony with their natural, God-given attributes.  Hair contains silica that acts like an antenna, enhances intuition, and connects us to our environment and higher source.  One of the first things the military does after a man signs up is shave their head hair.  The real reasons go beyond hygiene because the military has done the testing on this science.  Read  my article The Hair On Your Head.  Recall what happened to Sampson when Delilah cut his hair.  Head hair does not have to be long or messy to be of benefit.  However, nicely groomed head hair with some length to it has many advantages.



Constant increases in the cost of living, necessities, and taxes add terrible pressure on everyone.  Mothers forced to work long hours use TV as their babysitter, feed their kids fast/junk foods as a convenience, and buy cheap plastic toys for entertainment.  TV is the perfect tool to brainwash, mind control, and socially engineer the next generation.  Fathers, consumed by professional demands, disconnect from their families and fail to support or connect with their growing children.  Politicians, with high salaries, are disconnected from this reality and continue with out-of-control spending.  They are untrustworthy!



Children’s shows, cartoons, and movies are full of violence, fear, and how to kill the enemy.  Rarely do they educate, teach skills, inspire to do or feel good, or connect with Nature.  TV is full of violent robot kid shows and cartoons lacking humanity.   Children are programmed to think they are robots and that violence is the norm!  Perhaps, this is so they will accept to become chipped cyborgs or fight in the next war.  Parents, wake up! 


How many parents are in a stupor, disconnected from reality?  Many have the 'shop until they drop’ mentality.  It is no wonder so many are addicted to medications!



PSI article by Gloria Moss, reveals why the constructed view that gender change can be complete is a fallacy. The idea that men can become women and mothers and women can become men and fathers runs contrary to biological and psychological evidence. Despite this, learning centers are not informing students of the background biology.  Instead, some universities are recipients of funding that encourage the pursuit of transitioning, even when complete transitioning is impossible because of the laws of biology.  In the US and Canada, for example, numerous institutions received funding from Pritzker family monies that are supportive of people seeking a synthetic sexual identity (SSI).”


Over 54% of children today suffer from chronic diseasesAre any parents addressing the CAUSES?  Forget help or reliable advice from government leaders or so-called medical experts.  They are a big part of the problem because of their conflicts of interest, corruption, and greed.  This has been a long time in the making agenda.



The family culture, other cultures, and humanity are rapidly declining.  The divide-and-conquer strategy is in full swing.  And, what are parents doing to preserve family culture for the current and future generations?  Who did they get their parenting skills and advice from?  Far too many parents go along with the crowd revealing a lack of strength of character or common sense to break away from the mass mind control taking place.  These parents are following the pied-piper down a destructive path. 


Read about the consequences of this in my articles Children are Our Future, ETC Learning, Environmental Health: Inner & Outer, The Hair on Your Head, In Harmony With Nature, Mothering, and Grandmother's Love & Wisdom in Masters of Health magazine or on the Nutrition page of



Men, reconnect with your male energy, value women, and teach this to your sons.  Women, connect with your female attributes, value the knowledge and wisdom passed on from your matriarchs, and share it with your offspring.  Both sexes need to get more health conscious.  Children learn by example.  The challenge is to be aware, get involved, and remove powerful inhuman media and school influences!  Protection of humanity, connection with Nature, Education for Total Consciousness (ETC), and parental dynamics are needed now more than ever.  Go organic, learn about nutrition, and nourish your children well.  Enrich them mentally and emotionally, and use your economic power!   

Apply my simple three criteria for everything:

1.        Is it environmentally friendly?

2.        Is it conducive to good health?

3.        Is it pleasing to the eye?


Last but not least, educate yourself on the profound differences between the sexes

that not many people know about.


As mentioned above, PSI (Principia Scientific International) published an excellent article on 25 May 2023 about the war against biological sex, university complicity, and Dr. Alyson McGregor’s findings.  Dr. Alyson McGregor, MD, is the co-founder and Director of the Division of Sex and Gender in Emergency Medicine at Brown University, Warren Alpert Medical School, and co-founder of the Sex and Gender Womens Health Collaborative.  Below are her findings and EXCERPTS from this fascinating article.