Masters of Health Magazine June 2023 | Page 57

exciting NEWS

Rob Verkerk to lead

ANH both sides of the Atlantic

LAUNCH: ANH Reframes Ethics for the Therapeutic Relationship

By Michael Sikora,

Managing Editor and Robert Verkerk, PhDFounder, Alliance for Natural Health Executive & scientific director, ANH-Intl and ANH-USA

In 2021, tragedy struck a 37-year-old mother of two in the Seattle area. She was a committed wife and mother, devoting herself to being the best caregiver possible to her children. Then the pandemic hit. She was opposed to getting the COVID vaccine: because she was young and in good health, she knew the risks of serious COVID complications were small—smaller, in her determination, than the unknown risks of the experimental vaccines being deployed on the public. But because she did not get vaccinated, she was blocked from being the active participant in her daughters’ lives that she wanted to be. Ultimately, she decided to get the vaccine on August 26, 2021. On September 7, she died from COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia.

Sadly, this kind of story is far from an isolated incident. Few of us will not have experienced, witnessed, or heard of one or more deeply disturbing and heart-rending travesties of medical ethics over the last three years.

Perhaps you’re aware of breaches of respect for the autonomy or privacy of individuals? Or the failure of health authorities to offer the public properly informed consent? Government and medical authorities were able to coerce consent to COVID vaccination through a variety of tactics, including withholding information that would have likely greatly changed the public perception of the risk/benefit profile of those products. Those who refused to consent often faced discrimination, including loss of livelihood

These jaw-dropping breaches of ethics make it incumbent on us to re-imagine the moral compass we use to guide our journeys as we seek health, resilience, and wellbeing.

Why medical ethics must be reframed 

A key reason for reframing medical ethics relates to the unprecedented attack on free speech launched by the governmentmediaconventional medical institutions, and non-profits during the pandemic. Anything that strayed too far from the “accepted” narrative on COVID—which, in most cases, meant anything remotely calling into question the idea that everyone should get COVID vaccines and boosters—was deemed “misinformation” and subject to censorship; the purveyor of that information was then de-platformed and put their career at risk.

Central to this has been the widescale deployment of experimental synthetic biology based, prophylactic medications that turn our bodies into drug factories. The mRNA and adenoviral vector vaccine platforms have been introduced in a climate in which governments and health authorities peddled fear and propaganda deliberately in order to ensure a compliant, submissive public.

In a world in which scientific dissent has been quashed and social media companies have become the enforcers of permitted public speech, the majority remain largely unaware of the magnitude of change that came with the mass introduction of mRNA and adenoviral technologies. These technologies have effectively been ‘normalized’ under at least partially orchestrated, highly abnormal conditions. Yet they are so fundamentally different to the medications and vaccines that came before them, it is not at all beyond the bounds of possibility that these gene-based technologies could contribute to an untoward, evolutionary bifurcation.

The ability of public health authorities, the mainstream media, and the medical establishment to all coalesce around a central idea—that the pandemic could only be ended by deploying a novel vaccination platform on the public—is another key issue driving the need to rethink medical ethics. Healthcare decisions are becoming more centralized, decided upon by a select few rather than by individuals with their doctors. We see it here in the US, and also on the world stage as the World Health Organization seeks more power to deal with health “emergencies.”

These are among the disturbing and unique circumstances that triggered our work in building a new framework for health and ethics, suitable for our current era. The framework has 8 pillars, and today, we are delighted to be able to release the first pillar, concerning the all-important relationship between a health practitioner and his or her patient or client.     

With challenges to natural health and freedom mounting in the USA, the UK and Europe, ANH USA and International teams consolidate, with Rob Verker, Ph.D., as leader.

Nature-aligned health at risk

Threats to natural health continue to grow. On the one hand our fundamental freedoms and long-standing principles of medical ethics are being deeply eroded. On the other hand, Big Pharma, the products of which have dominated healthcare for the last 80 years, has now aligned itself with the biotech industry.

This means Pharma’s model is now moving away from using biochemistry to block or interfere with physiological or metabolic pathways, to one where it’s modifying our genes or their expression in ways that nature does not. But that's not all.

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