Masters of Health Magazine June 2022 | Page 54

It is time for the family to invest in their own private healthcare facility where even the family pet can benefit from it’s uses. But where will the public go to learn about Tesla’s form of energy medicine?


The medical universities are not going to teach the doctors about Tesla medicine if the insurance companies are not willing to cover it for their patient’s use so learning about it from their doctor is probably not going to happen. The public education system is not going to teach us either as there are no text books on the subject.  The medical device manufacturers can’t produce training materials for the real intended use of their products because that would require them to make medical claims which they are prohibited from doing so. They are sold as “wellness” devices where no claims can be made.


Nature Medicine to the Rescue

“The desire that guides me in all I do is the desire to harness the forces of nature to the service of mankind.”

 Nikola Tesla


That statement by Tesla rings so true to me. He was a gifted human being inspired by the cosmos to introduce the world to electricity to lift the human condition. He died in poverty because he was more concerned about being of service to mankind than he was for his own general wellbeing. In his final days of retirement, as a charitable gift, Nikola Tesla was given a comfortable free room and board in room #3327 on the 33rd floor of the Hotel New Yorker in New York City.

He wanted no material things to own other than the materials to create a device to end world war two and heal the suffering of humanity.  He ate only milk, honey and vegetable soup, not because the was starving, it was because he did not want animals to die for his food and knew about the ancient magical miracle healing properties contained within unpasteurized honeybee products.


“All that was great in the past was ridiculed, condemned, combated, suppressed — only to emerge all the more powerfully, all the more triumphantly from the struggle.  Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.”

Nikola Tesla 

The Public is Confused


There is definitely a buzz going on in regard to the inventions of Tesla. Elon Musk, a brilliant man with similar inspirations has named an electric car after him and he now has competition with Nikola - a new transport truck company that runs on hydrogen.  You can separate oxygen and hydrogen with a Tesla coil that is energized at a specific frequency and then burn the hydrogen.  Yes – you can burn water - but that is another entirely controversial subject, one that is much more suppressed than electromagnetic field therapy. 


Along with this awakening of all things Tesla, the commercialization aspect of his name soon follows, and with it comes a wide variety of disinformation suited to make a quick buck. When Tesla invented and demonstrated his wonderful magnetic healing machines – out came the charlatans to capitalize on it without doing the research to fully understand the complexities of how they worked.

Many electrotherapeutic devices now coming to market under the umbrella of Tesla medicine are highly suspect, have no published research to back up any claims and are sold by persons that don’t fully understand the complexities of frequencies which is extremely important. I have personally learned after 10 years of testing these devices they can offer up some dramatic healing reactions as the body detoxes through the skin too quickly. You need to know that magnetic fields can harm and heal too. It’s a complex subject.


In 2011, the Dr. OZ show introduced the world to Tesla’s PEMF – Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields as being the most exciting technology he has ever seen to treat pain. PEMF then became the buzz word to market Tesla’s healing machines – if it was PEMF, it was a healing machine.  EMF’s were considered to be harmful which is a completely wrong interpretation of the application of the magnetic field. WIFI and Bluetooth are considered to be harmful if the transmitter is placed too close to the body. WIFI is also PEMF.