Masters of Health Magazine June 2022 | Page 29


 Regeneration Health International


Who We Are


In 2021, a team of scientists, farmers, activists, artists, physicians, and lawyers came together to facilitate and catalyze a global movement and alliance committed to regenerating personal and public health. Its fundamental principle is that food is natures medicine and that both mental and physical health are directly related to societal, environmental, and planetary health.  


We call this “collaboratory” Regeneration Health International (RHI): a sister organization to Regeneration International.

RHI is committed to the principles and implementation of regenerative, organic food, farming, and land use. We are a global organization supplying desperately needed solutions on how to heal yourself, your family, and our planet.


We believe that a global network of Regeneration Health educators, advocates, practitioners, consumers, businesses, and organizations can create a qualitatively more powerful and effective synergy between movements. While these movements are doing good work, they are working in relative isolation from one another. They include organic and regenerative food and farming networks and organizations, organic food and natural health practitioners, consumers, businesses, and environmental/climate movements.


Regeneration Health on an international and planetary scale is a long-term, world-changing project. Our primary first task as  RHI is to concentrate on changing the global conversation on health and health care, utilizing and amplifying preexisting voices, media, and institutions. 

RHI will also create new media and educational outlets and platforms. Our goal is to educate and mobilize a crucial mass of civil society so they understand that healthy, nutrient-dense organic food is nature’s medicine and that human health is connected to planetary health.  


On a local-to-global scale, we must educate and demonstrate the mounting evidence that modern industrial, big pharma medicine, just like industrial agriculture, has failed to regenerate our health. The overemphasis on maximizing corporate profits and treating under the principle of pill-for-ill medicine, primarily utilizing patented pharmaceutical drugs, ignoring dietary, lifestyle, and environmental factors, has brought us to our present predicament.  


So that Regeneration Health International and regenerative practices become the norm, rather than the alternative, we are referring to: 

•            Techniques and modalities that work best.  

•            Projects, organizations, products, public policies, and financing with the best potential to expand. 

•            Identifying, publicizing, financing, and scaling-up regenerative best practices.



Please join Regeneration Health International as we move forward to regenerate our health and the health of the planet.

Email Michelle Perro, MD or Ruth Westreich