Masters of Health Magazine June 2022 | Page 110

extrapolate biometric information. BioAcoustic Biology is an area of scientific endeavor that is in the process of becoming scientifically established.  Visionary leaders will see this novel idea as a prophecy for a new future which can provide conclusions based on measurable outcomes, ancient traditions and current observation.  This emerging paradigm will become part of future medicine as the consistent and efficacious outcomes continue to accrue.

In developing these techniques, The Institute of BioAcoustic Biology has created a dilemma. How can we take this potential to the public when we don’t have enough trained practitioners to serve the need?

To survive, the human race NEEDS BioAcoustic Biology. For BioAcoustic inquiry to survive, practitioners, clinicians and trainers are needed. Public and Professional classes are offered each month; many free with accompanying software.

Whoever controls health controls the quality of life.  Health is much more precious than wealth. If we can find a way to have dominion over  our own health, through thought or deed, then we have province over our own evolution.  Sound Health has provided the initial steps to humanity so each person can explore this pioneering path to New Medicine!  Gift: To have your vocal frequencies analyzed go the – SERVICES.


This column is based on the premise that every frequency can be a holographic representation of a person, place or thing and that time influences which frequencies are more active at any one time in our multiverse.


Just as your body creates sound, so does our universe but there is nothing to pick up or interpret the signals. These frequencies influence our existence. 

We offer them here so that you can prepare for what is to come.  Remember that very sensitive people may be influenced by these frequencies ahead of the average person. 

For those of you using frequency-based healing techniques, these external influencing frequencies may explain what is going on even when you can’t find the cause in their local biofield.

Papillomavirus (HPV) frequencies (there are several hundred species) continue to stay activate thru June.  The media represents Papillomavirus as cancer causing.  

A Quote from Dr. Diane Harper, lead researcher concerning Gardasil (anti HPV vaccine) says that 70% of all HPV infections resolve themselves with a year, and within two years that percentage climbs to 90%. 

Dr. Harper also states that Gardasil would do little to prevent cancer and she does not recommend Gardasil or Cervarix (a similar vaccine) to anyone younger than 15. 

Along with HPV, a myriad of blood pressure issues are active throughout June,  this is especially important when you consider the corona based injections are considered to be a blood pressure challenge.

Keynote frequencies for JUNE, 2022