Masters of Health Magazine June 2020 | Page 78

standardized tuning. In using the 444 Hz calibration the notes are slightly sharp. Interestingly, most professional singers naturally sing slightly sharp.

I believe that this is another evidence that the 444 Hz calibration is more spiritual because this seems to reflect that their DNA is actually telling them to sing sharp or into the 444 Hz area. Before I understood these frequencies, I would tune my harp sharp because it just sounded better to me. Now I know why.

I have posted many long play videos of my harp music recorded in 528 Hz on my YouTube channel:

Many people are telling me what a difference this music has been to them. Even though these positive witnesses are not scientifically tested, the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming that these frequencies are beneficial.

I will admit that I don’t have experience with 432 Hz music, and I have noted that there is a lot of it available on YouTube as well. I am hearing from people that it has been positive for them as well. So I would encourage you to experiment. See which frequency your body, soul, and spirit responds to the best.

In closing, I am not claiming that I have the final indisputable answer on this issue. I am on a journey of discovery and may even change my position at some point down the road. This is just the best information I have at this time. I want to encourage you all to continue to study this out. I believe that there is much more to learn on this topic.

Thank you all for your interest and support and I invite you to stay tuned (Pun Intended!) as we continue this journey. I also invite you to send me anything you may discover in the process.

Until the next month…Enjoy!

I would like to present this video to those who are stressed with the current world virus pandemic. I want to help people calm and be relieved from stress. The bible tells us that David played the harp for King Saul and the troubling spirit left him. Produced by - Steve Rees - Harpist