Masters of Health Magazine June 2020 | Page 76

I would like to make a case for the difference between the 432 Hz and the 444 Hz calibration as I understand it. As I studied and considered the 432 Hz, it occurred to me that it is a manifestation of the physical form of our world and universe. As the above video points out, it is based on geometric shapes and angles. It is also associated with the Fibonacci numbers and the golden mean of phi as found throughout the natural world from DNA, to shells, to flowers, and to galaxies.

Many believe that this 432 Hz was the basis of tuning of the more ancient instruments and that the tuning was changed in more recent times for reasons that are not all together clear. I do not question that the standardization was changed and I can not say that the 432 Hz crowd are wrong, but I do want to give you a reason why I choose to go with the 444 Hz calibration for the A note.

Actually, when I asked a friend of mine about the differences, he told me that some people responded better to the 432 Hz calibration and some better to the 444 Hz. In fact, he had his piano tuned to the 432 Hz calibration. So, I think there is a value in exploring various approaches.

There is one more distinction that needs to be made as well. When tuning to the 432 Hz for calibration, that tuning brings all the notes that will be played by that instrument into perfect geometric alignment – all the notes will reflect geometric observations. The notes will be aligned with various mathematic observations and measurements of the world and universe, many of which are illustrated in the above-mentioned video.

When I tune with the 444 Hz as my calibration, it is in order to bring the next C note up to the 528 Hz frequency that has been recognized by many as a very important frequency for healing and restoration. The 6 frequencies that are called Solfeggio scale, of which 528 Hz is one, are not really a scale at all. You could not play music as we know it on that “scale”. It is actually a collection of 6 frequencies that each have different characteristics. I have discovered that each frequency has an accompanying “harmonic scale” or key that surrounds it, and music played in that scale will reflect that frequency.

I think of the 444 Hz calibration as reflecting the spiritual side of our reality. In the study I have done, and the information Dr. Horowitz and Dr. Puleo have laid out in their book, “Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse,”it is clear to me that these frequencies are imbedded into the ancient scriptures of the Book of Numbers, chapter 7. I have even found a relationship with these frequencies and the various pieces of furniture in the Tabernacle of Moses, which is all about coming into the presence of God – restoring our relationship with our Creator. I have that teaching available as a free download on my website: (Called “Frequencies of the Tabernacle”)

Because I find these frequencies presented in the ancient scriptures, I have great confidence in them and their ability to affect our lives positively. The most important frequency that comes out of these 6 that are found in the scriptures is the 528 Hz or C note, if you use the 444 Hz calibration. Much study and experimentation have been done with this frequency – from Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work on healing water and frozen water crystal structures, to DNA repair by genetic researchers using this frequency; and others as well. The 528 Hz frequency has been given the name, “Miracle Frequency”, “Healing Frequency”, “Creative Frequency” and others, which reflect its amazing qualities.

If you use the 432 Hz as your calibration, you are not able to achieve any of these scriptural frequencies in any of the harmonizing notes of the scale you would then produce. The notes produced are actually flat from the standardized tuning. In using the 444 Hz calibration the notes are slightly sharp. Interestingly, most professional singers naturally sing slightly sharp. I believe that this is another evidence that the 444 Hz calibration is more spiritual because this seems to reflect that their DNA is actually telling them to sing sharp or into the 444 Hz area. Before I understood these frequencies, I would tune my harp sharp because it just sounded better to me. Now I know why.

I have posted many long play videos of my harp music recorded in 528 Hz on my YouTube channel: Many people are telling me what a difference this music has been to them. Even though these positive witnesses are not scientifically tested, the anecdotal evidence is overwhelming that these frequencies are beneficial. I will admit that I don’t have experience with 432 Hz music, and I have noted that there is a lot of it available on YouTube as well. I am hearing from people that it has been positive for them as well. So I would encourage you to experiment. See which frequency your body, soul, and spirt responds to the best.

In closing, I am not claiming that I have the final indisputable answer on this issue. I am on a journey of discovery and may even change my position at some point down the road. This is just the best information I have at this time. I want to encourage you all to continue to study this out. I believe that there is much more to learn on this topic.

Thank you all for your interest and support and I invite you to stay tuned (Pun Intended!) as we continue this journey. I also invite you to send me anything you may discover in the process. Until the next month…Enjoy!