Masters of Health Magazine June 2020 | Page 26

The health implications of being subjected to constant microwave radiation, millions of times higher than has been shown to cause harm, is catastrophic for humans, bees, birds, animals and plants. Children, the elderly, and autoimmune compromised are especially vulnerable.

*Over 10,000 studies, dating back as far as 1906, show health implications from microwave radiation (MR), a form of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). According to, the following studies have been well known to regulators for decades:

*In 1906 Merconi conducted a radio frequency (a form of EMF) study on an island where 90% of the bees died.

Birds, exposed to microwave radiation from 200 yards away, went from 3.2% of their population being unable to produce eggs to 40%.

*Frogs, exposed to microwave radiation from 140 yards away, went from a normal die off rate within a certain time period of 40%, up to 90% after MR exposure.

*1999 National Toxicology Program (NTP) Study ($25 million) on 2, 3G showed clear evidence of the causation of brain cancer and breakage of DNA at exposure levels permitted by the FCC.

*Ramazzini study confirmed the results of the NTP study at levels of MR exposure 6000 times lower, levels equal to our street level exposure from cell towers.

*59 million people currently have Electromagnetic Sensitivity, resulting in headaches, fatigue, chronic illness, inability to work or live in areas with Wifi of Smart Meters. EMS is an American Disability Act recognized disability.

*Studies show that the plants below the cell towers develop thinner, weaker stalks making them more susceptible to fire. Fires have been started in CA towns from cell towers falling due to inclement weather and bird nest interference.

*Fertility studies showed men who did not keep their cell phones in their pockets had 12% non-viable sperm. Those that did put their cell phone in their pockets had 47% non-viable sperm. Ten years ago, 1 out of 10 men had viable sperm. Today, fertility clinics report 1 out of 100 men have viable sperm.

What you can do!

1. Search online and on social media to see if a Stop 5G or Citizens for Safe Technology group has been formed in your city. This is a local matter. If there is, join and connect with your local neighbors to find out what you can do. If there is NOT one, start one! You may also start an Unstoppable Moms of (city name) to keep the subject broad. See Unstoppable Moms of Mission Viejo as an example. Please email us the link to your group after you start one so we can share it.

2. Find out from either your group, or if none exists, from your City Planning Commissioners (search their contact info on your City/Town website) the following things:

What are the current and pending location addresses (with maps) for small cell wireless telecommunications facilities?

Does the city have an ordinance for wireless telecommunications facilities? What is it? (If they don't have one, here is a Sample Wireless Ordinance by

When is the next public hearing for an application of construction on sWTFs? It could be this week or next week...they are happening now, if not already.

Ask them to give you this information. They are required to do so and will (you may have to fill out a Freedom of Information Letter - FOIL).

Moms Across America is a 501c3 nonprofit organization whose motto is

“Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids.”