Masters of Health Magazine June 2020 | Page 112

Muscle function and pain may also be obvious as the Poliovirus genes comes into play. That long ago Polio immunization may temporarily cause some discomfort that will go away starting Tuesday.

Chlamydia Pneumonia Frequencies - that attacks the heart sac come into play starting on Tuesday. Laboring breathing or excess tooth plaque may signal its presence. Remember the old stand-by for pathogen invasion - Grapefuit Seed Extract - we use NutriBiotics brand contains a strong natural biochemical that does not allow the invaders to attach to a cell.

Spine stress for C-4 comes into play now. Sinus trouble/allergies, pain around the eyes, headaches, dizziness, earache may surface over the next few days. A massage or cranial-sacral manipulation may help.

Key Note June 28th- July 4, 2020

Mother Nature’s Puzzle; How Perfectly the Pieces Fit!

Color = Orange/Yellow (Gold) - represented D#; Astrological = Cancer

Primary Frequency Equivalent™ (FE) coming to our planet this week:

Glutathione is a non-essential amino acid that acts as an important antioxidant. It can be manufactured from cysteine using Glutathione s transferase. Glutathione helps maintain Vitamin C and E and is a vital part for iron metabolism DNA synthesis and repair, amino acid transport and enzyme activation.

Cysteine is an amino acid that helps the body use B12 (for energy) with the help of Castle’s intrinsic factor

Glutathione helps support the immune (via leukotriene synthesis) and nervous systems, lungs, detoxification and gastrointestinal functions. Vitamin D helps as a catalyst for glutathione production.

Glutathione inhibits the synthesis of melanin (responsible for hair a skin color) by interrupting the function of L-DOPA.

The Heme iron molecule, an iron co factor is a component of blood hemoglobin. It contributes to the red pigment of the blood. Heme helps deliver oxygen to the blood.

Medications in stress: Warfarin, a blood thinner. You may want to watch your clotting factors a bit closer.

Muscles in stress this week include a few long supportive spine partners:

~ Longissimus Thoracis (the long, deep muscle running parallel to the spine).

~ Pleuroesophageal (pleuro-esophageal muscle. This muscle was made of smooth fibers, acting as an anchoring structure to the lower part of the esophagus)

~ Longus Colli (front portion of vertebral column located in the neck).

~ Gastrocnemius (commonly known as the calf muscle).

~ Popliteus - muscle in the leg is used for unlocking the knees while walking.

~ Subscapularis - The subscapularis is a large triangular muscle in the front of shoulder joint. The subscapularis helps rotate the shoulder joint when the arm is raised.

Pathogens in stress include several strains of Human papillomavirus (HPV), a DNA virus found in skin or mucous membranes. Subclinical physical symptoms can become clinical warts on cervix vulva vagina, penis and anus. There are over 40 types of HPV, which can reportedly be prevented by the vaccine, Gardasil.

A Quote from Dr. Diane Harper, lead researcher concerning Gardasil says that “70% of all HPV infections resolve themselves with a year, and within two years that percentage climbs to 90%”.