What is Sound Healing?
People enjoy sound baths. Large gongs, precious metal sounds, and crystal bowls feel delicious. People love live tones that ripple through their bodies, like getting a massage. Other than feeling divine, we understand little of this process. Why do we enjoy sound baths? What is sound healing? Really?
Most agree that everything is energy. Energy vibrates. Everything-that-we-know-of vibrates. When you count the vibrational pulses, you get a frequency. Everything that you can think of has a frequency, including your thoughts, as you read this!
Your body needs specific frequencies to work. It requires a balanced amount of all frequencies. Your sound nutritional needs are like the rainbow, which has equal amounts of each color in the spectrum. In familiar words, we need vitamins, nutrients and minerals (all frequencies).
People say that you are what you eat, but also you are what you listen to. Using software by SoundHealthOptions.com, you can observe every frequency in your body. You can listen to a specific sound and then see that your body absorbed it and that it is the same frequency as a nutrient or something else. Before-and-after sound analyses repeatedly prove this. For example, if you listen to the frequency of niacin, a frequency that makes you flush, your face flushes. You don’t have to take the supplement to get the vibrational value of the substance.
Sharry Edwards tells a story of Mary, who had rippling arthritis. When Sharry calculated her sound detriments, she learned that Mary needed a particular isotope of calcium. That is like needing a frequency of 6.02, and 6.0 will not do. The easiest way to get precise frequencies is by using a sound generator. Tuning forks are popular with sound practitioners because they create exact frequencies. There can be a thousand frequencies in-between a musical octave. We listen to only 12 in our music. We need nutrition of in-between frequencies.
Pathogens and viruses have frequencies. Let say a pathogen is ten cycles per second. The pathogen’s medicine (or the sound of 1/10 cycles per second) can overcome it. (10 X 1/10 = 1. The 10-cycle organism can be “canceled out”).
Pathogens and viruses are alive. They outsmart antibiotics by slightly changing their frequency. When overcoming a negative frequency (like that of cataracts), I absorb a “counter” frequency that adds several frequencies that are up-a-little-and-down-a-little to take away unwanted “wiggle room”. I cancel any slight changes in frequencies that the unwanted organism may create. Musicians often use vibrato, a technique that sounds pleasurable. It bends a note a tiny bit to make it sound pleasing. It also gives the listener a healthier range of several frequencies.
Chemistry shows that our body has many chemical processes, such as digestion. If you insert the cycles-per-second (cps) of each chemical in the formula, the cps-numbers in the formula are mathematically correct. The chemical formula and the mathematics of the sound, both make the equation work. What’s underneath chemistry? Mathematics expressed as frequencies. (Thanks to Sharry Edwards, who spent her life observing sounds in the body.) This mathematics applies to circulatory, excretory, endocrine, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, renal, urinary systems and more.
By Jill Mattson