Masters of Health Magazine June 2018 | Page 74

Use This, Not That: Cuts & Scratches

Use This: Tea Tree & Helichrysum

Not That: Antibacterial Ointment

Did you know that some of our most popular antibacterial ointments will not kill MRSA? In fact, they actually seem to be playing a part in developing a particularly nasty strain of the hard-to-kill bacteria. (3)

That means finding more complex and natural ways to kill pathogens are needed when it comes to stopping superbugs. So when it comes to everyday cuts and scrapes, I prefer specific essential oils instead of medicated ointments.

Here’s what the research says: In clinical studies, plant-derived active biomolecules found in thyme and tea tree oil exhibit powerful antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties making them beneficial for wound care. (4)

As far as helichrysum oil is concerned, it’s a potent remedy used to tame skin inflammation, cuts and scrapes and wounds. (5)

Using Tea Tree Oil: A great home remedy for cut and scrape care includes cleaning the banged-up area with water and a clean towel. To clear out any dirt in the cut or scrape, use hydrogen peroxide. Once clean and dry, add two to three drops of tea tree oil and cover with a bandage. Apply a new bandage and oil treatment every day until the scrape or cut is healed. You may also add a drop of lavender to the mix for added skin support.)

Safety: Melaleuca (tea tree) oil should not be taken internally for any reason.

Using Helichrysum Oil: This oil helps diminish bruising, bleeding and pain for minor cuts and scrapes. To help to reduce pain, bruising and swelling, apply two to three drops topically to the area of pain; repeat several times daily.

Safety: Helichrysum essential oil is generally well tolerated.