sympathy was expressed for the poor woman who bore up bravely… The three were attended by a numerous crowd, and in Gallowtreegate, three hearty cheers were given for them, which were renewed with increased vigour as they entered the doors of the police cells.”
In some cases, the fine for noncompliance and the cost of the prosecution were paid for by seizure and sale of the parent’s furniture. This story also appeared in the Leicester Mercury:
“A man named Arthur Ward had two children injured through vaccination and refused to submit another one to the operation. A fine was issued, and on the 24th of November, two police officers called for the penalty, or in default, to ticket the goods. The husband was out at the market, and the poor woman had no money to pay. Since the goods downstairs were insufficient to cover the amount, the officers demanded to go upstairs. The woman refused to allow this, and an altercation took place. Harsh language was used by the officers, who threatened to take her husband to prison, terrifying Mrs. Ward. At that time, she was pregnant. The shock to her system and the fright were of such a character that symptoms ensued, which ultimately led to premature confinement. On the 26th of December, she gave birth to a stillborn child. Mrs. Ward never recovered, and last week she expired. The doctor who had attended Mrs. Ward said that although he believed in vaccination, he did not think it was the duty of any professional man to carry out the laws in the outrageous and brutal manner in which they were enforced.”
Perhaps the most ironic aspect of this story was that the mandated vaccines did not work. In 1884, outbreaks occurred in several places, including Sunderland, Birmingham, and Liverpool, while 1400 patients in London were treated.
This appeared in the Leicester Mercury:
“It must strike the reflective observer as rather singular that all the recent smallpox outbreaks have made their appearance among populations where the laws enforcing vaccination have been rigorously and systematically carried out. 96% of births in London are protected by vaccination. May I venture to ask whether medical men who have defended and fostered a system of medical procedure, which eighty years of experience have demonstrated a disastrous and humiliating failure, ought not to feel honourably bound on public grounds to retrace their steps and confess that vaccination, like other once popular prescriptions of inoculation, bleeding, and mercurization, is a serious and mischievous blunder? Every municipality has evidence establishing the fact that zymotic diseases originate in and are fostered by unsanitary conditions, and are preventable by personal and municipal cleanliness.”
Eventually, members of Parliament from Leicester managed to convince a Royal Commission to investigate. As a result of the findings of this commission, compulsory vaccination was abolished, and exemptions were permitted.
As you can clearly see, we are facing the same problem 169 years later. COVID vaccines do not work. Plus, they cause harm to children and adults. Most doctors promote the vaccines, while a few have dissenting opinions that are ignored and vilified. Government agencies and employees are the enforcers. Medical history and religious beliefs are ignored. This is ongoing all over the world, including in Britain.
The bottom line: Many incredible discoveries and developments in medicine have improved the quality of life and saved the lives of millions of people. But the dark side of medicine has become more and more powerful and is now dominant. Prior efforts to address this situation have failed. We now have a choice: Either we organize to do whatever is required to take down this cabal permanently, or we settle for whatever freedoms the medical cabal (government, medicine, and drug companies) decides to grant us.
I vote for taking it down. How about you?
Ref. Williamson S. “Anti-Vaccination Leagues.” Arch of Dis Child 1984;59:1195-1196
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Co-author of the new explosive book:
COVID Operation: What Happened, Why it Happened, and What’s Next