Masters of Health Magazine July 2022 | Page 106

as guinea pigs and cause irreparable harm; we have insurance companies that make decisions with our own money (premiums they have charged us) as to whether or not we can receive services, which physician we can go to, what lab tests we can have.  In no other service organization is the person paying for the service abused and dictated to so thoroughly and reprehensively.  The companies are run with the bottom line in mind, not quality health care.  There is something inherently wrong with the idea that profit is more important than wellbeing.


Resistant strains of pathogens, nosocomial and iatrogenic disease/trauma is rampant.  We are threatened with spike proteins, bird flu, SARS, MRSA, flesh eating bacteria, infertility, and unheard-of strains of sexually transmitted diseases;  all are becoming antibiotic resistant.


We see generation after generation of families in which genetic defects are showing up earlier with successive age groups.  The grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 60, the mother in her 40’s, the granddaughter before the age of 20.  Neither the government nor the private sector has proposed any acceptable stabilizing solutions as to how to solve the problems that have been created. But the answer may be right under our noses, literally, through the frequencies of our Voice.

During the last two decades, the work at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology & Sound health has proven that the human body and mind can be influenced by individualized formulations of sound frequencies.

Were the “Ancient” investigators accurate?  Are there energies beyond our own environment that have the ability to influence our lives?  These very astute precursors to “scientific man” attempted to create a system whereby those extrinsic forces could be explained; they called the system Astrology. But modern investigators have proven there is so much more.

Today’s scientists claim that our moon and sun influence our planet via the tides and magnetic stress upon the earth; and some even go so far as to agree that the moon affects our emotions and behavior.   Since astronomers have concluded that frequencies are bombarding the earth every minute of every day in a cyclical pattern, I want to suggest that there are Key Note frequencies associated with every day of the year. 

These Key Notes seem to ooze in and out of direct influence every three days or so, this column, BioAcoustically Speaking, posts information about these Key Notes in a weekly format.  We predict that this information will provide ideas and support for SELF HEALTH.

Never in our existence have we more desperately needed this blend of ancient and contemporary information as we are being challenged by the current man-made plague – Yes there is strong evidence that this present pandemic was mathematically contrived, and we have presented it here because the math indicates that the Spike proteins will become very important in our lives.  Link to accumulated proof

In December 2019, Sound Health announced that the, then Corona, now Co V id pathogens, was based on frequencies that were not consistent with nature-made viruses but were mathematically constructed to be mathematical antidotes to each other; making it impossible to mathematically counter them. This would prevent BioAcoustic frequency-based antidotes of the past from working against this attack on mankind.  We moved beyond our normal methods and created anti co V id formulations that worked to reverse the symptoms of Co V id positive victims.  We released these formulations plus much more in a publication titled: Guardian Papers: The last two articles are the most relevant for today.