Masters of Health Magazine July 2021 | Page 31

The meter I have reads the PEAK levels, not just the average like most readers. The peak is a part of what our children are being exposed to.

The top picture is on wifi, and you can see the max peak is 787,000. The hardwired cell phone's max peak is 37.

Laptop readings:

The top one is on wifi, with a max peak of 33,600. Hardwired is 47. You can notice that a different meter does not detect the peak, only the average, giving a false sense of security.

The FCC only uses the average, which is thousands of times lower than the actual peak exposures.

I ask you to please allow me to come to the school with this meter  (it can be when the children are not there, but the devices are) and measure the levels of radiation.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I am not an RF expert, but I know others who are and can arrange for an expert to come to the school.


Please watch the TechSafeSchools free webinars today!

Thank you.

Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids