Masters of Health Magazine July 2019 | Page 58

It has long been understood that many negative health issues are related to not getting enough blood supply to an organ or tissue, in which case the cells are not supported and nourished sufficiently to maintain a healthy condition.

Many pains, injuries, organ failures, ulcerations, or even amputations are directly caused by this lack of blood flow. Many disease conditions such as diabetes have complications that are directly related to compromised blood flow. Our body’s immune system is not able to function efficiently if there is insufficient blood flow. So if we think about how restricted blood flow can effect these disease conditions, we can also see how many of these conditions can be reversed or even eliminated if we can restore brisk adequate blood flow to the affected area.

A study published at: showed that PEMF applied to persons who suffered from Osteoarthritis in their knees significantly reduced their pain levels In a double blind controlled study. PEMF was used as the therapy modality to test the effectiveness of PEMF in pain control. It was also observed in the study that not only was the pain reduced in the tested knees, but their function had significantly improved. This finding appears to support the belief that there was healing taking place at the cellular level.

I could list many other studies that have been completed with similar results on various disease conditions and the application of the PEMF devices to these conditions. Some are more successful than others. The bottom line is that there can be some major benefits from using PEMF devices, and most of the studies mention minimum to no side effects.

Today, our populations suffer from many disease conditions. Some are self-inflicted, some are environmental, and others are genetic or the combination of these. As we consider that our blood circulation is at the heart of many to most of these conditions, I would like to suggest that PEMF be considered as an adjunct to healing and maintaining more optimal health.

There are many devices available today that offer PEMF. I will not take the time here to list out all there is or talk about the pros and cons of various ones. There are several websites online that are very helpful in analyzing the various devices that are available. I do have some preferences personally that I would be glad to share with you, but I can not advertise them here.

If you want to contact me personally at my email: I would be glad to give you a recommendation.

PEMF is a viable option for your health and wellbeing. It is a recognized modality that has produced some amazing results and it doesn’t require a doctor’s prescription.

There is a cost upfront in purchasing a device, but what does it cost you to engage the medical system and buy the pharmaceuticals that are prescribed?

Take charge of your health!