Masters of Health Magazine July 2019 | Page 10

The Age


Exclusive Interview with Dr. Ana Cabeca

by Dr. Laurie Nadel, Ph.D.

A few nights ago, I found myself in a pontoon boat in the middle of a tropical lake. I was thinking about writing this story about my conversation with Dr. Anna Cabeca, DO. OBGYN, FACOG, author of The Hormone Fix: Naturally burn fat, Boost Energy, sleep better and stop hot flashes the KETO-GREENTM WAY. Natural Burn Fat, Boost Energy, Sleep Better and Stop Hot Flashes the KETO-GREENTM WAY (Quercus, February 2019.)

I couldn’t help but wonder how, as a writer, could I convey to you, the reader, what I saw, heard and felt as soon as we started talking?

No sooner had this thought passed through my mind than something drew my attention to the sky. Looking up, the Universe must have heard my question because she sent up a double rainbow.

Pure magic! That’s Dr. Anna!

A pioneer in the growing field of natural health for women, Dr. Anna Cabeca lights up the room the way double rainbows illuminate the sky.

One of the country’s leading obstetrician-gynecologists, who is double board-certified in regenerative and anti-aging medicine for more than two decades, Dr. Anna Cabeca has been designing and developing programs and products to optimize women’s health from puberty well into post-menopause. (Most women around the world do not live long enough to get to menopause but as both men and women are living longer, the millions of women in perimenopause are a rapidly growing demographic.)

We had only been talking a few minutes when I brought up her approach to “menopause” and Dr. Anna jumped in. “We are liberated from the reproductive state and we are in a higher spiritual state. What we gain from “the change” far outweighs what we lose. We experience compassion, empathy, and Biblically ‘the peace that surpasses all understanding.’” No longer are you at the mercy of your hormonally charged moods. From her perspective, “You are the eye of the storm and the ocean, not the waves.”

In India, menopause is known as “the age of despair” but as Dr. Anna and I shared our own stories, we came up with the perfect reframe: The Age of Awakening.

Building a Foundation

At all stages of development, we, as women, create new life. “From any good foundation, you can build a masterpiece,” she says. “But if you don’t have a good foundation, nothing can stand.”

The best nutrients for the cornerstones of our foundation come from natural hormone replacement therapy and maintaining a keto green/high alkaline diet.

“In our 30s, we have PMS with cycling anxiety and depression; irregular bleeding; and irritability,” Dr. Anna says. “But it’s your hormones, not your husband.”