“Stress can severely deplete magnesium stores, leading to toxic build up, acidosis, low energy and impaired metabolism. Magnesium is a cell defender and hydrator, fueling electrical energy to detox, control calcium, balance, relax, recover and rejuvenate.”
Sandy Sanderson
Founder and CEO of Elektra Magnesium
Former Publisher of
‘This Month on The Gold Coast’ magazine
After her health crisis in 2008 from years of stress overload and shift working as a magazine publisher, Sandy discovered that magnesium deficiency was the primary cause of stress-related diseases. Without enough magnesium cell metabolism and recovery is diminished. Transdermal magnesium helped Sandy to recover from heart arrhythmia and other symptoms of hypothyroidism.
Since that time Sandy, together with her husband Peter, a formulating chemist, have been on the mission of their lifetime to develop an Australian range of natural magnesium body care products branded ‘Elektra Magnesium’. The products deliver magnesium more efficiently via skin compared to digestion of tablets and powders, as well as provide super nutrient, lipid and moisture support for the skin barrier.