Masters of Health Magazine January 2025 | Page 14

While we cant necessarily draw specifics about the meaning of this data, it certainly shows great promise about the potential of intentionalized sound such as we create on World Sound Healing Day as we help create positive shifts and changes on our planet.

Once you begin to understand the idea that projecting intentionalized sound together collectively on the planet for events such as World Sound Healing Day is both very ancient and spiritual as well as being quite modern and cutting-edge scientific, it’s easy to realize that such events may hold the key to our evolutionary continuation and development on this planet.

There are many prophecies, including those in our Bible, that talk about gatherings of people who sound together to restore balance to our planet and that when people sound together with their voices as a singing prayer for world peace and harmony, it can have a significant effect in restoring peace on earth. The sonic meditation of World Sound Healing Day is so important for the healing of our planet. World Sound Healing Day energizes the peace and transformation, all people seek for our Earth. With our wisdom and intentional sound, we can help create a positive future – one that will benefit our children and our children’s children: The Way of Compassion, Love, and Lasting Peace.

This year, World Sound Healing Day will consist of in-person and online events. We invite everyone who would like to become a Sonic Co-Creator and manifest an event via whatever type of offering you prefer to post it on the Events Portal on the World Sound Healing Day website.

In addition, you will find activities on our Events Portal throughout the world at various times in various places.  These healing sounds are any vocal sound — Ah, Hum, Om, etc. —any tone—crystal bowl, Tibetan bell, didjeridoo, etc. — any instrument—piano, violin, drum, etc—or any sort of performance or sonic presentation you'd like to make. Guided meditation, spoken word, and poetry are also great. As long as it is created with the energy of love and compassion and dedicated to the purpose of World Sound Healing Day, it will be a good and appropriate sound. Attend or post your event on the Events Portal.

Thank you for being a Sonic Co-Creator. Spread the word! Let's manifest celebratory activities in order to bathe the Earth in a field of Light & Love through Sound throughout the whole day!

Together we can create symphonies of consciousness that can change the available frequencies with our own sounds! 

From scientific and spiritual perspectives, there is compelling evidence suggesting that large groups creating intentional sound can indeed affect collective consciousness and potentially the planetary energy field.  This isn't just a theoretical possibility, but a potential evolutionary leap in human consciousness - a collective awakening facilitated by synchronized, heart-centered intention. It is an exciting new adventure in active positive co-creation.

This World Sound Healing Day, as a special focal point for projecting intentionalized

sound, from 9:30 -10:30 am MT (11:30 – 12:30 pm ET), we are guiding people to a special one-hour presentation that culminates in a Global AH manifesting near the top of the hour.  This presentation will include preparatory steps to project the most powerful AH sound possible, to affect planetary consciousness.  This includes information about sound, intention, and global consciousness and will feature a 15- minute Guided Meditation and Global AH chanting which includes psycho-acoustic frequencies designed to create powerful resonance with the Earth as well as well as deep, altered consciousness tones to enhance the global toning.  A link to this can be found at

For those creating events, we have a special Global AH” recording that is available, as a free download. Please visit us at  for more information on how to receive this.

Thank you. Remember—we heal the planet, we heal ourselves. We heal ourselves and we heal the planet! We can make a difference!

On Friday, February 14, 2025, at 12:00/NOON (EST), join thousands throughout the planet for the 23rd Annual WORLD SOUND HEALING DAY. 

Go to to enhance the vibratory effect as we sound together for planetary peace and harmony for 15 minutes with the AHcreated and projected with the energy of  compassion and love, sending a sonic valentine to Gaia, our Mother Earth.


You will also find more information, a free “AH Training Wave” mp3 download to assist in this process, and access to the Events Portal where there are numerous global sound healing events that are occurring throughout the planet on that day.