Masters of Health Magazine January 2025 | Page 12

Indeed, those who observe and attune themselves to our planet seem to understand that the concept of Mother Earth” is more than a fairy tale—it is an actual and valid field of consciousness that surrounds us.

Research on the effects of the human species through meditation and prayer to affect the consciousness of other humans, as well as the Earth itself, is fairly new. Even newer is the effects of sound—especially what could be called intentionalized sound” to influence and potentially amplify these effects.

As noted, the concept of sound being an extraordinarily powerful energy is nothing new—known by the ancients and now being rediscovered by our scientists. A question that comes to mind is: why would sound be able to enhance the effects of meditation and prayers? The answer is quite simple: sound amplifies the power of prayer. This is why a majority of the prayers on this planet are vocalized—whether they are chanted aloud, whispered, or sung. Once again sound amplifies the power of prayer.

From another perspective, sound seems to help focus the energy of our consciousness and our prayers. On a personal level and with students, weve found that projections of positive, loving energy are more effective when accompanied by a sound such as a vowel or a mantra, like Ah” or Om”.

Its as though the sound can be encoded with the energy of the person making the sound. This is, in fact, one of the concepts I initially formulated back in the 1980s: Frequency + Intent = Healing”.

A corollary to this is Vocalization + Visualization = Manifestation.” It means that specific consciousness can be encoded upon the sound we make. This consciousness affects the person (or persons) receiving the sound. The power of Intention has become commonly accepted these days—books have been written about Intention and its power has now been demonstrated through research such as the work of Masaru Emotos water photographs.

Most studies of the efficacy of prayer, as well as creating coherence in the human electro-magnetic field show two things. First, the energy of love, compassion, and appreciation are the most effective when working with prayer. And second, prayer is most successful when it is done with the feeling of gratefulness and thanks—as though that which is being prayed for has already been accomplished. Most studies of the efficacy of prayer, as well as creating coherence in the human electromagnetic field shows that prayer is most effective when done with a feeling of appreciation.

Thus, prayers made with love and appreciation and then encoded upon a sound such as Ah” are extraordinarily effective. The Ah” sound, incidentally, is not simply a randomly chosen vowel. It is almost universally understood as a sound that embodies the power of love. It is in fact, a sound that we make when we are in love or when we love something. Regardless of the culture, tradition, or part of the world, when someone sees something they like, they often sound forth with an Ah”. And that Ah” can be perceived and understood by anyone—it is a universal sound.

The Ah” is also a vowel sound that is associated with the heart and in particular, the heart chakra or energy center. In traditions throughout this planet that work with energy, the Ah” is often found to be the sound said to resonate the heart chakra—the center of love. If you dont believe this, just try it for yourself. Sound a gentle, relaxed Ah” and see where you feel it. No doubt many of you will find it resonating in the center of your chest—the heart chakra.

When all these elements—the power of prayer to affect planetary consciousness and sounds ability to amplify this—are combined, it seems obvious that the use of intentionalized sound as a vehicle to create shift and change on a planetary level is quite possible. We can then focus on the actual manifestation of this, which brings us to World Sound Healing Day.

The idea of World Sound Healing Day first manifested nearly a dozen after a meditation in which I was told to put my attention on the continued use of sound for personal healing, but in addition, the use of sound for planetary healing. Thus, in the winter of 2002, I began organizing an event—a day in which people throughout the planet would project a global tone for planetary peace.

Working with several colleagues I suggested this idea too, and we came up with the name World Sound Healing Day. February 14th was chosen as the day for this, facilitating the concept of sending a “sonic valentine” to the Gaia consciousness—Mother Earth—through sounding the Ah”.

World Sound Healing Day has continued to grow since then, gaining the attention of several organizations that measure the effects of planetary prayers and meditations, including the Global Consciousness Project and the Global Coherence Initiative. The data received and charted for the 2009 World Sound Healing Day was quite interesting.

Here, also is a link for more information:  World Sound Healing Day Data.

Below are the graphs provided by the Global Consciousness Project and the Global Coherence Initiative: