These technologies are monopolized or controlled by a few powerful corporations or individuals.
Mining is one example of how an industry can bring down a government that tries to address environmental issues or regulate industries. This has been done in Australia numerous times.
Viewing a mining or fracking site reveals the horrendous amount of damage it does to the environment (e.g., soil, air, groundwater, and health of nearby residents). Investigating it reveals even more shocking facts about pollution. The history of global mining and fracking damage is appalling, and not much has changed. Poorer countries are exploited even worse. Mining and fracking pollution and abuses can no longer be ignored!
To protect humanity, everyone must do their part. This means using our economic power and making sacrifices or finding safer, healthier alternatives such as using ethernet instead of wifi or EMF Solutions. If humans are unwilling to do what is necessary, humanity, as we know it, will not survive.
Currently, humans are surveilled via their mobile phones. Plus, all their data and control of everything they do are digitally documented via their mobile phone. This is how humanity is being digitalized even though it is unconstitutional in the USA.
Instead of following the herd and media narrative, THINK about the following criteria to protect yourself and the environment when using technology:
1. Is it conducive to good health?
1. Is it environmentally friendly?
2. Is it a free-market business?
If it is monopolized by AI, an individual, a corporation, a group, a government, or a bank, it is not a free-market business.
If the answer to these questions is no, give it a pass! Join the Global Walkout:
We can no longer depend on government regulators to protect the environment or the interests of humans. We have to use our economic power and Total Consciousness.
Recall how consumers improved fishing methods and helped save other marine life when they boycotted tuna. The best way to force an industry to improve or close down is to boycott their products, be well informed, and stay active, especially in the Global Energy Parliament