Masters of Health Magazine January 2023 | Page 12


Chapter 3 from

Lies My Government Told Me:

And The Better World Coming

Robert W. Malone, MD, MS

I first met Meryl when she came to our farm to work on a strategic plan for Children’s Health Defense in the summer of 2021. We quickly become friends, as we both enjoy conversing intensely on bioethics and vaccines. 

Meryl has a quick wit, with an intellectual curiosity that cuts through even the toughest of defenses. Her boundless enthusiasm for both her patients and for the practice of medicine is combined with bravery that few can match.

This makes her one of the few physicians willing to take on the establishment regarding early treatment for COVID-19 and vaccines.

She is always willing to engage in a conversation about science or medicine and she does not back down to authority. She has most definitely been radicalized by her experiences with the US government and her writing below reflects that. 

I admire her ability to get to the heart of any problem and to says things as she sees them.  She has a long history of confronting the issues and most importantly, put her own career on the line for what is right.

Meryl has been persecuted by her medical board for her stance on giving life-saving treatments to her patients, and for being willing to talk about those treatments to the press.  For her “crimes” of saving lives, her medical board suspended her license to practice medicine in the state of Maine. 

This, despite the fact that no patient actually filed a complaint against her. Furthermore, they required that she undergo a neuropsychological exam, with a psychologist of the board’s choosing, before she could have a hearing. 

I do not know if any state medical board has acted in such a manner before in the USA. It is truly draconian and most likely illegal.  Meryl is taking the fight to the courts.

As far as I am concerned, she is a true medical freedom warrior.


Meryl has allowed me to print her essay on the suppression of early treatments for COVID-19. 

Dr. Robert W. Malone, MD, MS