Masters of Health Magazine January 2022 | Page 84

So many ill children reveal the ways we have outgrown our medical model and our predominant food production systems.  The problems our kids suffer from most persistently today are complex, arising from a multisystem dysfunctional biological catastrophe, particularly in relation to immunity, autoimmunity, and the health sequelae that arise from these problems. 

These diseases suggest a body that is both confused and collapsing under the pressure of so many toxic exposures.  If we are looking for evidence that our food systems have failed us, we should pay attention to these children. 

We have a generation of children whose chronic illnesses do not resemble those of the previous generations. 

Our kids are sicker than their parents, and arguably sicker than their parents were when they were children, regardless of our agricultural and pharmaceutical advances.”  Clinical evidence indicates that we are doing something wrong.

Quite possibly what we are doing wrong today started with the changes to our food production that began just before most of these kids were born. 

The vital question is: How do we

get out of this mess?


Perro and Adams,

What’s Making our Children Sick?

Chapter 17



Michelle Perro, MD

Executive Director