Over the past 53 years, I have been using a science that has fascinated me since the day I met Dr. Bernard Jensen, in his Los Angeles consulting office in 1962.
Dr. Jensen analyzed patients through the observation of the iris in the eyes. Even though this was totally unknown to me at the time, I immediately understood the great value of this new way to assess and analyze, using one’s own body instead of an apparatus. This science is called Iridology.
Dr. Jensen was probably the greatest or at least one of the greatest iridologist-nutritionists of the past century, along with other great pioneers such as Joseph Deck, a world-famous German iridologist.
Dr. Jensen developed, for the first time, a complete iris chart with delimitation for each organ.
In 1952, Dr. Jensen published volume 1 of an important book called, “The Science and Practice of Iridology.” In 1982, he published volume 2.
His iris chart was also translated into various languages, including Chinese and Russian, and has been used ever since.
I can say that meeting Dr. Jensen and discovering food, diet, and iridology was the step that changed my life. What is really the meaning of Iridology?
Dr. Bernard Jensen and Dr. Serge Jurasunas. LA, California. 1962
Figure 2: Iridology Chart Developed by Dr. Bernard Jensen D.C., N.D.