Masters of Health Magazine January 2019 | Page 39

Here are 7 steps to manifest your desires and become what we were all intended to be -

Master Minds of the Sensational!

Act as if you already have what u want, (this programs your subconscious), you're loving it and you’ll see it actually happen!

7 steps to Manifestation

1) Take full responsibility for your current reality as it is, no matter what it is

2) Choose a new reality you’d rather have and be specific about it

3) Connect with the infinite through knowledge prayer or higher self perception

4) Align with the new reality in commitment

5) Let go by fully accepting the worst case scenario- when u can emotionally handle the worst case scenario it ends all fear of disaster thus accelerating your ability to overcome obstacles and create joyfully

6) let go of the how when or where & let Source take care of it

7) Demonstrate & experience the new reality