Masters of Health Magazine January 2018 | Page 28


(a sample adapted from Swami Sivananda)

1.I will wake up at ............. every day or every other day.

2.I will perform yoga postures and breathing exercises for ............. minutes a day.

3.I will meditate every day for ............. minutes a day.

4.I will practice relaxation for at least ............. minutes a day.

5.I will do some sport or exercises for at least ............. min a week.

6.I will go for a walk at least ............. a week.

7.I will spend more time in Nature this year.


8.I will make better choices in food this year.

9.I will chew more.

10.I will observe a fruit fast once a week/fortnight/month.

11. I will not indulge in ............. (see below) more than once every ............. days/months or for .............months.

a) smoking b) drinking c) watching movies d) reading news e) eating sweets

f) eating junk food

add your own.............

12.I will observe silence for ............. minutes/hours daily and ............. minutes/hours on Sundays/holidays and utilize the time in concentration, meditation, and introspection.

13. I will speak gently and patiently to others.

or for ………….hours,days, weeks, months

14. I will speak the truth.

15. I will show and practice kindness to all beings.

16. I will give away ..........% of my income in charity.

17. I will offer some selfless service for ...............hours daily/weekly.

18. I will study ............... daily with meaning.


Chalk out a routine for daily practice and try to carry it out.

Make a few resolutions for practice during the New Year as shown above. Any of the resolutions may be crossed out, added to or altered, to suit the individual temperament, convenience or stage of development.

Do not abruptly change your nature or mode of living. You can grow and evolve quickly in the spiritual path, develop your will power and control the mind and the senses by sticking to the resolutions.

Ask all your friends to maintain such resolutions, Thus you can elevate many from the quagmire of Samsara (cycle of births and deaths).