Masters of Health Magazine February 2023 | Page 75


Almost all diseases originate from either nutrient deficiencies (e.g., vitamins, minerals, EFAs, or enzymes) or toxicities.  Both create imbalances.  Deficiencies are more common in chronic diseases, whereas toxins are more common in acute illnesses.  However, sometimes a combination of both can lead to a deadly disease or a lifetime of suffering. 


Learning about vitamin functions, sources, and deficiencies will help you and your children survive and thrive.  Essential nutrients that cannot be synthesized in the body or in sufficient quantities (because of depleted agricultural soil and food processing) must come from an organic, nutrient-rich diet or supplementation.  


A vitamin is an organic molecule, or set of closely related molecules called vitamers,  which an organism needs for the functioning of its metabolism.  For example, Vitamin E  has four tocopherols and four tocotrienols.  A vitamin E deficiency during pregnancy can lead to hormonal imbalances, which can disrupt mental and physical sexual development in the fetus.  Also, iron in prenatal supplements or exposure to toxic metals or chemicals in the environment can interfere with vitamin E absorption. 


While some species can synthesize vitamin C, humans cannot.  Vitamin C and E function as

antioxidants, vital in todays toxic world.  A vitamin C deficiency is a significant factor in coronary heart disease, infections, and immune function.  It is the one vitamin you never want to go without! 


B vitamins can be synthesized in the gut by a healthy microbiome.  However, GMOs, herbicides (e.g., glyphosate, atrazine), pesticides, fluoride, alcohol, drugs/medication, refined sugar, and carbs destroy the microbiome balance, which leads to vitamin B deficiencies.  EMF and stress also deplete B vitamins.  Plus, refining grains, overcooking, and food processing destroy B vitamins


Sunshine vitamin D (which goes through the body’s pathways) is vital for many bodily functions, especially the immune system.  It is the most effective known substance for cancer prevention.  Also, vitamin D functions like a hormone to regulate the glands, other hormones, sleep, and mineral metabolism for bones and other organs.


Sunshine, proper breathing, and structured pure water intake are vital, along with  nutritious, organic food.  Plus, everything needs to maintain a harmonious balance.  


The chart below shows fifteen major vitamins, their functions, sources, and deficiencies.  

There is no recommended dosage because of biochemical individuality, age differences, environmental factors, and other variables.

by Lady Carla Davis, MPH

Specializing in Nutrition

GEP Minister for Environment