Masking Our Wee Ones
The oxygen deprivation mask syndrome is sweeping the globe and more are at risk.
Dr. Mark McDonald, a double board-certified clinical psychiatrist told of the damage to our children. Dr. McDonald said, “We’re not in a medical pandemic, we’re in a fear pandemic.”
He believes that what is driving the fear now is propaganda. He said that children, unlike adults, don’t just bounce back; those children will not regain their psychological health. As a child psychiatrist, he treats children all day long.
He stated,
“The developmental stage children need to go through, babies, toddlers, young adults, is being foreclosed on them. Brown University Department of Pediatrics published a study in mid-September that found that babies born after January 1st, 2020, when this whole pandemic started, had an IQ point drop of 20 points compared to babies born before January 1, 2020. That’s huge! Why?
They don’t see faces, they don’t play, they don’t have exposure to friends, they don’t go to school. They’re basically locked in their homes looking at their parents for two years and their brains have not developed.”
“My concern is that we are building a generation of young people who are so traumatized that they will never fully recover from this. Even if we give them therapy and treatment, they’re always going to be damaged from this and be scarred emotionally.
I don’t mean for it to be depressing, I mean for it to be alarming so that everyone can finally say, ‘STOP.’ We’ve got to stop the damage and then figure out what to do about it.”
It’s way past time to acknowledge what has been done wrong and the biggest problem was masks on children who rarely get or pass the virus. To close their faces off from their peers and to wear face diapers in public is a developmental atrocity to our youth; I see it as child abuse.
Many parents home school, and those children have no social disabilities, but masks are a blockage that destroy interpersonal relationships and change the lives of these children for decades to come. And they destroy the brains of these youngsters by depriving them of proper oxygen.
Fear is a great driver, when fear is in the minds of people, they actually don’t want much public discourse, they don’t want much discussion, they basically just want to be told what to do. The easiest thing to do is to defer to some type of agency. The agencies who are calling the shots here are ones that typically don’t call the shots.
The FDA doesn’t tell doctors how to treat patients. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is a drug regulatory, drug safety watchdog agency.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH), they don’t tell doctors how to treat patients. They’re a government funded research organization.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) certainly doesn’t because they’re an infectious and chronic disease, epidemiologic and analytic organization.
We should not look to those groups to advise physicians how to treat patients.
Nor should we look to other unelected parties to tell us what to do, and that includes our local health departments who have advocated mandates that are destructive not only to children, but to all citizenry.
And the latest is the euphemistically named Congressional bill H.R.550 (Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021) which paves the way for state and local health departments, as well as public and private health care providers, to share personal health data with the federal government. The bill has hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars allocated to the tracking system’s success.