Masters of Health Magazine February 2022 | Page 73

“Yes, you can be fearful, but still show the courage to speak out on behalf of the vulnerable — those who we’ve been entrusted to care for,” Perro explained. “I say to those who know but are silent, rise up to the oath that you’ve taken, allow your fear to march on with your courage — and take a stance.”

In addition to advocating on behalf of children, Perro said the time has come to fully embrace a holistic system.

“This present medical paradigm can’t be #xed,” she said. “We need to create a new specialty of regenerative healthcare, an eco-medicine, where food sustains or reinvigorates our innate vitality.”

However, she warned, “If we keep taking these jabs, we will create a population that is only more dependent on a broken medical system.”

Perro, co-author of “What’s Making Our Children Sick?” and co-founder of, has long been an advocate for integrative holistic treatment.

She also believes in empowering parents by providing them with the simple tools to help the body heal itself.

“We need to turn away from a pharma-driven narrative to a food-based narrative, supplemented with healing herbs and spices,” Perro said. “The driving principle of good healthcare is simple — the best medicine is food as medicine.”

Asked about her hope for the future, Perro said:

“A paradigm shift is happening. We must continue to re-establish natural priorities and good health, with supportive communities, where physicians, farmers, scientists and activists work together with a common focus on holistic health principles.”

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children's Health Defense.