Masters of Health Magazine February 2022 | Page 59

Your Hands, Feet, and Bones:

There are 206 bones in the human body. 54 of those bones are in the human wrist and hand. There are 26 bones in the human foot.

At birth we have 300 bones, but as we grow some bones fuse together to form one bone. Amazing!

Your bones are composed of 31% water yet are as strong as steel while being 50 times lighter. They are, pound for pound, 4 times stronger than concrete. Your leg bones are the strongest bones in your body, but your little finger is the home of 50% of your hand’s strength. The hardest bone in the human body is the jawbone. 

More to Think About:

Still not convinced that you are the most amazing, complex being? Here are a few other facts to think about:

·         Each and every step you take requires the coordinated use of over 200 muscles.

·         You have 2,000 taste buds in your mouth.

·         Your eye can distinguish between approximately 10 million different colors.

·         Your liver can regenerate itself.

·         The fastest human sense is hearing. Your brain can recognize a sound 10X faster than the blink of an eye, or in as little as 0.05 seconds.

·         It only takes 3 months in your mother’s womb to get your own unique set of fingerprints.

·         Each human tongue is unique—just like fingerprints.

·         During the course of your lifetime your mouth will produce enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.

·         The total surface area of both of your lungs is about 80 square meters, or about the size of a tennis court. The length of airways running through them is 1,500 miles! That’s the approximate distance from Chicago to Las Vegas!

·         It requires the use of 17 muscles to smile, and 43 to frown. SMILE! You are amazing!

What’s the most important thing for you to know about your amazing body? How to take care of it. Now that you are aware of some of what your body does for you, support its innate ability to function and heal at the highest level by nourishing it well, finding a chiropractor near you, and investing in your longest, healthiest life possible. Invest in chiropractic lifestyle care.

Make 2022 your year of committing to 100:100—living at 100% for 100 years.