Masters of Health Magazine February 2022 | Page 57

Your Amazing Body

Dr. Eric Plasker, DC

When was the last time you took an inventory of your amazing body and it’s superpowers? There are so many things your body does and is capable of doing that you don’t think about, don’t understand, or might not even be aware of.

At The 100 Year Lifestyle we often talk about the miracle that is your Innate Intelligence, and we’ve even talked about the value of your body in dollars. Today we’re going to look at our bodies even more closely as together we make 2022 the year of 100:100—living 100% for 100 years.

Centenarians are showing us every day that it’s possible to live a long and full life until the day we die. Start on your 100:100 by getting a better understanding of the complex, precise, high performance machine that is your body.