Masters of Health Magazine February 2021 | Page 63

As history continued, on October 13, 2009, Goodwin et al. at NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) filed a patent (Patent No: US 7,601,114 B2) for an electromagnetic apparatus that uses a wire coil to enhance tissue repair in mammals.

On August 15, 2005, NASA released an article entitled “Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields – A Countermeasure for Bone Loss and Muscle Atrophy19”, confirming the need for stimulating their astronauts with non-invasive pulsating electromagnetic fields during their residence in space - where they are disconnected from earth’s energy and gravity - to help prevent bone loss and muscle atrophy.


To be continued in the following March issue of Masters of Health Magazine.

Do not miss part 2 of this article.


A story of love, healing & medical revolution

by Silvia Binder

Change your life. Change your practice.

Unravel the mysteries behind undiagnosed and mistreated disease and illness.

The answer is here, and has been here for decades.

You just need to open your mind and read this book...

ONDA-MED is a Latin word and stands for Wave-Medicine.

This book is the biography of ONDAMED® and the impact it has had on millions of people around the globe. This book that can live with you in your home, practice, clinic, office, and your car continuously radiating benevolence and love.