For years nucleic acids and nucleotides were not considered essential nutrients, since it was thought that the body synthesized sufficient nucleotides from one’s diet to meet its physiological demands. However, we now know that exogenous nucleotides energize the endogenous nucleotide of de Novo acid pathway. While nucleic acid can be synthesized by the liver (do Novo synthesis) the ability of the de Novo synthesis pathway gradually declines with age. Thus, the need of exogenous nucleic acid and nucleotide supplements helps to ensure there is enough supply. A part of the exogenous nucleic acid is digested and used by the intestine to renew the fast turnover of intestinal mucosa cells. This is why food rich in nucleic acid is so important and required to keep a healthy intestine. Cells need exogenous nucleic acids DNA and RNA, for the synthesis of new DNA\RNA, otherwise the body might be unable to make new healthy cells. This requirement—that the body make million of new cells every minute relies on DNA and RNA synthesis. It is no wonder that CGF extract is considered a perfect food to rejuvenate the whole body, and also, as we are going to explain, stimulates detoxification.
For the past 3 decades, chlorella (Sun Chlorella) both in tablet and the CGF liquid extract have been some of my favorite compounds that we have used in our clinic acting as body and blood regenerator. This has even been very efficient with diabetes, hepatitis, anemia, arthritis, and glioma. This is especially valuable in helping to combat chronic constipation, stimulate the detoxification process, expelling heavy metals (e.g., mercury, lead, cadmium, etc.), as demonstrated before and after with Hair Analysis and the Oxidative Dried Blood Test. See one example in my book, Health and Disease Begin In The Colon, the Chapter on Live Blood Analysis and Oxidative Dried Blood Test, pages 86-87).
Other actions of chlorella CGF extract, include the strong antioxidant activity, as it contains SOD, glutathione, betacarotene, vitamin C, E, zinc, and copper, along with other nutrients, which today are important to counter the concentrated toxic effect of free radical activity, especially with people living in polluted cities under environmental, physical, and social stress. To protect our body against pollution and the genomic effect of free radicals, we have two main mechanisms. First, the liver and second, the antioxidants enzymatic defense system, both endogenous and exogenous.
Chronic constipation is also responsible for the large quantities of toxins and bacteria that penetrate into blood circulation. But lucky, we also have the liver that plays a key role to filter, detoxify, and kill bad bacteria. The liver is built with a battery of cellular enzymes known as cytochromes, of which up to now, around 500 varieties have been identified. These enzymes serve to activate the biotransformation of chemical compounds to less a reactive form and into a water soluble form for excretion by the urine. However, this enzymatic system known as Liver P450 cytochrome, requires a battery of vitamins, minerals, and extra enzymes to support the conversion of chemical compounds.
For years nucleic acids and nucleotides were not considered essential nutrients, since it was thought that the body synthesized sufficient nucleotides from one’s diet to meet its physiological demands. However, we now know that exogenous nucleotides energize the endogenous nucleotide of de Novo acid pathway. While nucleic acid can be synthesized by the liver (do Novo synthesis) the ability of the de Novo synthesis pathway gradually declines with age. Thus, the need of exogenous nucleic acid and nucleotide supplements helps to ensure there is enough supply. A part of the exogenous nucleic acid is digested and used by the intestine to renew the fast turnover of intestinal mucosa cells. This is why food rich in nucleic acid is so important and required to keep a healthy intestine. Cells need exogenous nucleic acids DNA and RNA, for the synthesis of new DNA\RNA, otherwise the body might be unable to make new healthy cells. This requirement—that the body make million of new cells every minute relies on DNA and RNA synthesis. It is no wonder that CGF extract is considered a perfect food to rejuvenate the whole body, and also, as we are going to explain, stimulates detoxification.
For the past 3 decades, chlorella (Sun Chlorella) both in tablet and the CGF liquid extract have been some of my favorite compounds that we have used in our clinic acting as body and blood regenerator. This has even been very efficient with diabetes, hepatitis, anemia, arthritis, and glioma. This is especially valuable in helping to combat chronic constipation, stimulate the detoxification process, expelling heavy metals (e.g., mercury, lead, cadmium, etc.), as demonstrated before and after with Hair Analysis and the Oxidative Dried Blood Test. See one example in my book, Health and Disease Begin In The Colon, the Chapter on Live Blood Analysis and Oxidative Dried Blood Test, pages 86-87).
Other actions of chlorella CGF extract, include the strong antioxidant activity, as it contains SOD, glutathione, betacarotene, vitamin C, E, zinc, and copper, along with other nutrients, which today are important to counter the concentrated toxic effect of free radical activity, especially with people living in polluted cities under environmental, physical, and social stress. To protect our body against pollution and the genomic effect of free radicals, we have two main mechanisms. First, the liver and second, the antioxidants enzymatic defense system, both endogenous and exogenous. Chronic constipation is also responsible for the large quantities of toxins and bacteria that penetrate into blood circulation. But lucky, we also have the liver that plays a key role to filter, detoxify, and kill bad bacteria. The liver is built with a battery of cellular enzymes known as cytochromes, of which up to now, around 500 varieties have been identified. These enzymes serve to activate the biotransformation of chemical compounds to less a reactive form and into a water soluble form for excretion by the urine. However, this enzymatic system known as Liver P450 cytochrome, requires a battery of vitamins, minerals, and extra enzymes to support the conversion of chemical compounds.