The other end which is held and which a person pushes down with a handle needs to be made into a smaller surface so unnecessary friction can be avoided. Then, a bow made of wood, 70 cm in length, is needed. A piece of rope or tether is tied to it on both ends so that the bow is strained. The base is made out of the same wood just as the drill, 30 cm in length and 2 cm thick. A slot for the drill needs to be formed on it as well as a "V” shape cutout which use is to collect the wooden chips. The method of using a bow and drill produces smoke and red-hot chips which then need to be added to pre-prepared dry grass or bark.
A person can easily be lost in nature, especially if the weather conditions are not favourable: fog, rain, dark etc. Don't think that it happens only to beginners or inexperienced explorers because even very experienced connoisseurs get lost. However, this is not such a big problem if you know how to orient. One of the easiest methods is to climb to the top of a hill or the highest tree and look around yourself. Spot a dot that will become your orientation mark for a certain period of time (for example, a lonesome tree, rock, meadow, mountain, house, electric post). It is important to travel straight towards this point. You can orient with a help of a clock in a way that you observe the sun on the clock's glass and turn the clock until the direction of the sun doesn't coincide with the small hand. Then halve the angle between the small hand and number 12 and you will get the direction of South. Sometimes you can follow the flight of birds which travel towards South.
During a clear night, the direction of North can be easily determined according to the Pole star. It is a part of the Little Dipper constellation (Ursa Minor). The easiest way to find it is by the help of the Ursa Major constellation. North can also be defined thanks to a darker stripe on trees which is always located on its northern side and is made out of leftover moisture.
Humid bark dries slowest on the nothern side of the tree where there is the fewest amount of sun. Also, bark is here more coarse and is usually overgrown with moss. Mushrooms which live on trees will remain here the longest because of the humidity.
The northern side of the woods usually gets rid of snow only 2 weeks after it has already been melted on the southern side. Likewise, northern slopes retain snow longer than southern ones.
If you come across a brook, always go downstream. The brook will take you to a valley, toward a river and here you will, sooner or later, find people.
Survival in nature primarily needs motivation, as well as knowledge, experience and, lastly, equipment.