When we are young we produce a lot more fats in the skin from a vibrant capillary network supplying skin extremities.
As we get older our circulation is less efficient to the extremities and we have less fats in the skin, causing dryness because less water is able to be captured inside the skin layer. We therefore evaporate more quickly into the atmosphere!
When applying pure magnesium oil (flakes mixed with water at high concentration) directly to skin, it doesn't have ready access to the inside of the epidermis unless we have enough lipids to help absorb it. For most people magnesium oil lingers on the skin surface and feels sticky or irritating because it is a water-based salt solution.
However, by using Magnesium Cream, Charge Lotion or Magnesium Oil Spritz, the presence of rich plant butters and oils assists the transit of the magnesium salts through the skin into the epidermis without sticky or irritating residue left behind. Within a few minutes of rubbing it in, the skin has soaked it up.
To suit individual needs, there is a variety of magnesium products at different strengths and with varying levels of fatty skin barrier support. If skin is dry, lubricate with Magnesium Cream or Lotion first, then massage in Magnesium Oil Spritz as needed on the tighter stiffer areas.