Masters of Health Magazine February 2019 | Page 8

I feel ignored and lonely as my children live their own lives and visit infrequently

We can have unrealistic expectations and hope people will continually visit us because we are family or we can increase the odds. People make decisions according to what gives them the greatest advantage over disadvantage, greatest reward over risk and greatest benefit over drawback. Just as customers go where they are best served – so do people, which includes family members.

If you aren’t offering your family something more inspiring than they can get elsewhere, they will go elsewhere. Think about each individual you would love a visit from. Make a list of their needs, interests and what they deem valuable to them. Then contemplate how you might be able to fulfill some of them. The more you can offer them, the more likely they will want to be with you.

I used to be beautiful, but now my looks are fading.

You’ve two choices: Get yourself to a plastic surgeon or write down 200 reasons why your body is beautiful the way it is. Begin to appreciate the next stage of your evolution. Think of all the benefits of your current age and turn them to your advantage. Focus on the flowers not the weeds. There are always benefits to every drawback and blessings to every curse.

Would cosmetic surgery help my self esteem?

If you are having difficulty appreciating your body the way it is, don’t be afraid to refine and polish it. We once were only able to cut our hair and use oils for our skin, but today there are numerous means and ways to adding a more youthful look. Unquestionably these new refinements can make you feel more alive and once that begins on the outside - it often takes root on the inside. So either love yourself the way you are or turn yourself into what you would love. Today you have such options.

I worry my partner doesn’t find my wrinkly, saggy body attractive anymore?

Maybe the reason we begin to lose our sight as we age is for the sake of staying together.

The attraction between two people usually starts from within. It begins with an open and loving personality and this, more than physical looks, stands the test of time.

To increase your self esteem physically, stand in front of the mirror and look for the things that you admire about yourself. When you can admire yourself so will others. No matter how you look there is always someone that will find you attractive. But avoid giving up on your looks. Get into action, get into shape and put effort into your appearance. Nature always gives you some advantage to work with and everybody gets something. It may be your smile, your hair, your eyes, your attitude, your intelligence or your accomplishments, but you have something that is attractive. Find it and capitalize on it. Remember, the greatest sex organ is between your ears. It is all about your attitude.

If you have accumulated a lot of emotional baggage between you and your partner, your sex drive may subside. Try writing down 200 reasons why your partner is worth touching and loving and watch what happens.


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