Masters of Health Magazine February 2018 | Page 38

In addition to the increased cancer risk, the problem with prescribing sedative-hypnotic drugs like benzodiazepine is two-fold: benzodiazepines are highly addictive and interact with neurotransmitters like GABA.

It is interesting to note that benzodiazepines are rarely the sole drug of abuse, because people usually combine them with other drugs to increase the effect. It is highly common for drug abusers to add in pain killers like opioids to boost the euphoric effects. Among them, Valium and Xanax are most popular.

If you or a loved one are currently taking benzodiazepines, note that they don’t seem to be addictive within the first few months of use, nor does tolerance or difficulties in stopping the medication settle in. However, after several months of regular use, you’re likelihood to develop addiction, tolerance and withdrawal symptoms significantly.

How The Best Essential Oils for Sleep Can Help

Essential oils are transdermal (meaning they penetrate the skin) and work on the body’s physiology in a variety of ways. This means that you can affect your body’s biochemistry when applying them topically in a similar way as when taking them internally or inhaling them via diffusion.

As research suggests, topical application may actually be one of the most effective methods for people with sleep disorders as the chemical components of lavender have been shown to enter the blood stream within 5 minutes of massaging the oil on the skin. (4) The calming and relaxing effects of lavender essential oil have a one-two punch when applied topically because of the direct benefit on the brain when the volatile organic compounds are inhaled and through the skin! (4)

The 1992 study that proved this, also uncovered that maximum concentration levels were observed within 20 minutes. Don't worry, it's not like the sedative properties last forever. Within 90 minutes most of the lavender was eliminated.

Essential Oils for Sleep to the Rescue!

Unlike common sleep aids and benzodiazepines, there are virtually no side effects when people use essential oils for sleeping. In the words of a 2014 systematic review of the literature, “A majority of the study findings suggested a positive effect of essential oils for sleep. Lavender was the most frequently studied essential oil. No adverse events were reported.” (5)

In fact, oils can possibly help get people off of drugs!

Since a clinical study dating back to 1995, for example, we have known that sleep duration significantly decreases in older patients who are dependent on benzodiazepines. However, once lavender essential oil aromatherapy was introduced into their lives, their sleep quality and duration can be restored to previous levels, in spite of not being on the drugs. According to the researchers who conducted this landmark research, “This study suggested that ambient lavender oil might be used as a temporary relief from continued medication for insomnia and reduces the side-effects of these drugs.” (6, 7)

Note of caution, be sure to never take yourself off of benzodiazepines without medical guidance because the side effects can be quite severe.