Masters of Health Magazine February 2018 | Page 101

Science and Alternative Facts: About fluoridation, false dilemmas and fake news

Despite the fact that the prestigious international 2015 Cochrane panel, like the 2000 York panel, found the fluoridation literature to be of abysmally poor quality, at high risk of bias, and with no evidence of safety…

Despite the fact that those panels had low confidence in a very small dental benefit that translates to maybe some children, not all, having one fewer cavity during childhood…

Despite the fact that there is robust evidence that fluoridation worsens the symptoms of inflammatory diseases, disrupts thyroid function, endangers the health of kidney patients, accelerates destruction of water pipes and in so doing increases lead in the water, and is linked to increased learning disabilities…

Despite the fact that fluoridation is a false dilemma, that the only scientifically proved dental benefit is from topical use of fluoridated toothpastes, rinses, and varnishes and that any who still want to consume it can do so cheaply without fluoride being added to municipal water…

Despite all this, fluoridationists have mounted a marketing campaign to promote fluoridation mandates based on a hundred year old dental myth.

Incongruously, at the center of this scheme is the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Fluoridation is a profitable business for some, and over the years too much organizational prestige and too many paychecks have become inextricably linked with fluoridation promotion in the network of government regulatory agencies. Consequently, our tax dollars are being used to create marketing materials that incentivize states to fluoridate using Medicaid monies in a move that most harms the health of the very population Medicaid is supposed to serve. Lobbyists are presenting these materials to state politicians while public relations experts are planting pro-fluoridation articles in the press.

Fluoridationist organizations also have apparently created curriculum targeting college students that encourage students lobby for fluoridation based on the disinformation in marketing materials. Moreover, citation cartels are manufacturing fraudulent reports and studies that misrepresent both historical and scientific fact.

These unprincipled papers are widely promoted by vested interests in popular press using biased language. They are aided by self-important bloggers with decidedly prejudiced points of view. Talk about anti-science and dishonest media.

This astroturfing effort is further supported by an organized troop of trolls who overwhelm social media with vitriol that dismisses arguments, denies science, denigrates opponents, distracts the public, and disrupts conversation about the real health risks of fluoridation policy to consumers.