Masters of Health Magazine December 2024 | Page 52

Saving Lives and Money

by Dr. Eric Plasker, DC

The phrase is “avoidable mortality,” and it refers to deaths that could have been prevented. For you and me it sounds like a humanitarian imperative. For governments, its an economic opportunity. Dont see the connection? Well, healthier populations are able to create more robust economic productivity and reduce healthcare costs at the same time. The question is, how do you propose we as a nation go about saving lives and money?

Defining Avoidable Mortality

The definition above is accurate, but not complete. Avoidable mortality actually is two-pronged. The first is preventable mortality, which addresses deaths that could be avoided through better public health initiatives.

The second prong is treatable mortality. That refers to deaths which would have been preventable specifically with a timely medical intervention.

The Numbers

How many avoidable deaths are we talking about? Numbers based upon CDC data indicate that 70% of all deaths each year are the result of preventable diseases. That's based on the above definition. As a result, the global cost of these often preventable chronic diseases, according to the World Economic Forum, could reach $47 trillion by 2030.

It is clear that the human and economic implications of reducing avoidable deaths could literally change our world, if done correctly.

Human Gain

The savings would not only affect countries but also families and communities in a big way. When a financially contributing family member dies young or unexpectedly their families often pay the figurative and literal price. Sometimes that price is paid for generations. Beyond the immediate financial strain, such upheaval can affect children's education and place sometimes unbearable stress on spouses and other surviving family members.

Making the Right Investments

As anyone familiar with The 100 Year LifestyleⓇ knows, we are all about the body’s innate ability to heal. It's true that safe roads, gun safety, nutritional education, and access to healthy food are key components of living The 100 Year LifestyleⓇ. However, easier access to pharmaceuticals is not.

We all know that having health insurance isnt the same thing as being healthy. Likewise, wanting to end preventable deaths isnt the same thing as wanting people to have longer lifespans and health spans based on living a healthy lifestyle that focuses on their bodys Innate Intelligence.

Much has been talked about in the news in recent months about focusing on making America healthy. It is a way forward, a future, which The 100 Year LifestyleⓇ supports whole-heartedly. Indeed, we are looking forward to welcoming others into the holistic-based health approach we have long been advocating and teaching.

With a proven champion like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spearheading this cause, we believe that what once seemed like an impossible situation is now not only possible, but likely if we all support him and are willing to stay involved as together we all contribute to making America healthy again, for ourselves and future generations.


The Next Steps

You may be interested in changing the fine print in Medicare to support preventative care. Your priority might be in making school lunches healthy. Or you could be really concerned about being free to make your own informed healthcare decisions without dealing with pushback from the allopathic medical community. Regardless of your focus, 2025 is looking like the year you will get the support you deserve in making these changes a reality.

Together we can eliminate avoidable mortality on new terms, better terms, our terms. Together well live longer, healthier lives and also be better for it financially.

Next Steps

You dont need to wait until January 20th to begin taking care of your health and the health of your loved ones. You can start the New Year by committing to making your life and your familys life as a long and healthy as possible.

If you arent yet aware of how a healthy spine and nervous system are essential to a long, healthy life, keep reading the articles about Chiropractic care on this website and make a call to The 100 Year Lifestyle provider  near you.