Masters of Health Magazine December 2024 | Page 5

8 fluoride toxocity and a FAN win

Michael Connett, JD

32 the spiritual and emotional heart

Dr. Mark Sircus, AC, OMD, DM(p)

35 vascular and systemic calcification

Dr. Mark Sircus, AC, OMD, DM(p)

50 saving lives and money

Dr. Eric Plasker, DC

56 regenerative grazing

Dr. Andre Leu, D.Sc., BACom., Grad Dip Ed

70 the power and science of thought

Lady Carla Davis, MPH

86 calming harp music to india

Steve Rees, Ret. RN, Harpist

92 weight management biobundles

Sharry Edwards, MEd

96 sound health keynotes for december

Sharry Edwards, MEd

104 the universe as a symphony of strings

Jill Mattson

108 The Defender LATEST NEWS

Children's Health Defence