we gain access to the depths of our inner nature. The heart holds the key to radiant health, joy, happiness, and well-being.
When we cave dive into the universe of the heart, we transform our inner and outer world. And the first beneficiary is our physical body and physical heart pump. Dramatic changes in heart rhythm/frequency/health patterns occur when we can shift between feelings like anger and hate to those of peace, love, understanding, and appreciation.
Negative emotions make the heartbeat look ragged on an electrocardiograph. Love and peace transform the physical heart into a much smoother beating pump. Its electromagnetic patterns are much more coherent, healthy, and harmonious.
Emotions are internal energies in motion and hold powerful and destructive influences on body tissues in general. They can move the bones in our spine and cause dysfunction in our internal organs. But even more detrimental than “negative emotions” are repressed emotions.
An organization named HeartMath has done a lot of research into the physical aspects of the heart and how our feelings affect the heart pump itself. “It’s the feeling that can change the heartbeat, not the thinking,” says Dr Alan Watkins, a research fellow at Southampton University.
Watkins infers that when we center on the deeper feelings and intelligence of the heart, we bathe our brain in coherent energy that leads it to more harmonious function. The physical organ or pump is a complex neurological, muscular, and energy center of vast power and proportion. Its rhythm and beat frequency act like radio waves and are transmitted to all the cells in our bodies and beyond.
The heart is a vast electromagnetic generator, and the frequencies radiated out by the heart change dramatically depending on a person’s emotional state. Most people have the awareness and experience of how one person’s moods can affect others.
A simple but powerful movement into the heart center of feelings can result in:
Change in heart rhythm and heartbeat.
Balancing of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
Reduce muscle tension.
Alleviate pressure on the spinal column.
Increased mental clarity and objectivity.
Help balance the endocrine system.
Reduce mental disease.
Increase Intuitive levels of perception by making us more receptive to sensitive feelings.
Decrease the rate of aging process. (Keep us feeling young)
Anti-depressive effect.
Improve overall energy levels.
Deepens levels of internal perception and self-understanding.
Increases overall human intelligence.
Renew self-confidence.
Make you happier.
Leads a person into the center where self love and understanding of others is more easily found.
Increase harmony in social relationships. (Save marriages)
There is nothing like a healed, healthy, happy and loving heart.
Modern science has correlated physical heart function and health with the flow of positive feelings and emotions, with a positive, optimistic outlook on life. There is a natural “smoothing effect” biologically associated with favorable biochemical, hormonal, and nervous system changes in the body that come from people who are more centered in their hearts or feeling centers.
Awareness of one’s feelings as they occur is the keystone of emotional intelligence, according to Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence, who says, “The ability to monitor feelings from moment to moment is crucial to psychological insight and self-understanding. An inability to notice our true feelings leaves us at their mercy. People with greater certainty about their feelings are better pilots of their lives, having a surer sense of how they really feel about personal decisions from when to marry to what job to take.”
As Aristotle observed, what is wanted is appropriate emotional feelings proportionate to circumstances.
Vascular and Systemic Calcification
by Dr. Mark Sircus, AC., OMD, DM (P)
Calcification can occur in almost any part of the body. Calcium is a significant cause of disease when it gets out of hand. Calcification happens when calcium builds up in body tissue, blood vessels, or organs.
This buildup can harden and disrupt our body’s normal processes. It is one of the very few natural nutritional elements that can poison the body.
Calcium is transported through the bloodstream and is found in every cell. According to the National Academy of Medicine, about 99 percent of our body’s calcium is in our teeth and bones. The other 1 percent is in the blood, muscles, fluid outside the cells, and other body tissues. Though many cardiac patients take many drugs, none reverse the calcification of the arteries.
Unabsorbed calcium can lodge anywhere in our body. A central question for medical science is why do we find ourselves with calcium in all the wrong places, even when our calcium levels are normal?
Why does calcium, an essential mineral, cause us so many problems? Most doctors downplay the toxicity of calcium, and one of the main reasons for this is that they downplay the necessity for magnesium supplementation.
Magnesium increases the solubility of calcium. Magnesium controls the fate of calcium. Calcium will be deposited in the soft tissues (kidneys, arteries, joints, brain, etc.) if magnesium is insufficient.