Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P) (acupuncturist, doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine) is a prolific writer and author of some astounding medical and health-related books.
Dr. Sircus’s methods are based on medical science and long years of clinical experience, not only his own but experiences of doctors from around the world who have been practicing brilliant medicine.
His books are heavily referenced, but the layperson finds little difficulty in understanding his presentation of medical topics. For many years Dr. Sircus has been researching into the human condition and into the causes of disease; he has distilled many of the divergent medical systems into a new form of medicine that he has coined Natural Allopathic Medicine.
Natural Allopathic Medicine represents a new therapeutic principle that revolutionizes both allopathic and naturopathic medicine offering a radical shift in medical thought and practice.
The Spiritual and Emotional Heart
by Dr. Mark Sircus, AC., OMD, DM (P)
There are many things to understand about this mysterious organ we call the heart. Many things beyond the physical manifestations of that pump organ that beats 110,000 times a day and puts out a strong electromagnetic field.
The heart is essentially our love light that shines with intelligence and power if we let it. Yet that power and intelligence only begin to shine when we gain access to the depths of our inner nature. The heart holds the key to radiant health, joy, happiness, and well-being.
Those in their hearts stay young forever.
The heart in love stays young.