Masters of Health Magazine December 2023 | Page 16

of the US Federal Budget. In 2014, the Republicans won the Senate using the Ebola Shriek-O-Meter. As a result, the Shriek-O-Meter was one of our top stories that year. In 2017, the Shriek-O-Meter has intensified as it shrieks about terrorism and the new boogeyman: Russia.

The message is: “Be scared, be very scared!” But fear is damaging to your immune system. It would be better to ignore the Shriek-O-Meter than to fear what it is shrieking about. It would be best, in fact, to turn off any televisions, media reports, or politicians that promote the Shriek-O-Meter. The logic behind the Shriek-O-Meter is that approval ratings for governments are at (or near) all-time lows. This means that the general population might be poised to take significant action, including:

§  Insisting on real candidates and elections.

§  Escrowing their taxes.

§  Bringing court cases to require the government to obey financial laws.

§  Demanding financial transparency.

§  Organizing armed militias to stop unlawful seizure of assets by the government.

§  Engaging in citizen arrests in response to violations of the law by government officials.

Surveys show that the same people who give government very low approval ratings are also very concerned about terrorism and believe that the government is doing a good job dealing with terrorism. The surveys show that these people used to be concerned about jobs and the economy. However, ongoing attacks in Europe and the United States have them more worried about terrorism.

Recently, I watched a Fox News host bully a group of 40 to 50 US citizens about their greatest concerns. If they said, “jobs and the economy,” they were bullied back into immigration and then bullied back into ISIS, ISIS, and more ISIS. It was remarkable to watch this as a lesson about how fear applied in a social engineering setting actually works.

And so, we will have to live with the Shriek-O-Meter until we stop listening to it.

There is reason to be concerned about organized crime, including crime associated with immigration, false flag operations, and covert operations. This is an important reason why you should ensure that gun control efforts are stymied and that you prepare and train to protect yourself and your property.

§  Putin Explains How Obama Created ISIS “Note: Video may take time to load.”

§  Americans Divided on Government’s Role in Space Exploration

§  The Chicken Heart That Ate Up NYC

The Slow Burn

Why has our economy not collapsed as so many people predicted? One reason is that there is a significant economic difference between the diversion of resources into covert systems and the loss of those resources. Another reason is that highly invasive control technologies allow the economy to be re-engineered through a “slow burn” without collapse. In essence, portions of the economy are being selectively collapsed or “harvested” to feed other portions of the economy.

§  Commentary: The Slow Burn

§  Video: Catherine on the Slow Burn

The Space-Based Economy

As the Global 3.0 economy blossoms and a re-balancing of the global economy continues, the importance of the orbital platform grows. Numerous developing countries have launched satellites and are growing their space programs and industries. With a growing emphasis on private space exploration and investment, the overt commitment to space investment is growing.

§  Video: Catherine Austin Fitts at Secret Space Program 2015

§  Video: Dark Journalist: Catherine Austin Fitts: America 2020: the UFO Economy

§  1st Quarter Wrap UP: Who’s Who in the Space Based Economy

§  Video: USA Watchdog : Catherine Austin Fitts, Establishment Stole $50 Trillion & Want to Keep It

Spiritual Warfare

Question from a Solari Report subscriber:

I listened to you on Alex Jones recently and I was wondering where I could go to learn the spiritual warfare techniques that you used when managing 18 audits and investigations (see Solari: Legal: Investigations / Audits) as well as related civil litigation.

Catherine Austin Fitts’ answer:

I studied spiritual warfare with Evangelist Patricia Ross at the Bible Institute at Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church in Washington DC and listened to many sermons on this topic by Bishop Alfred and Co-Pastor Susie Owens. I also attended conferences by Bishop TD Jakes of Dallas and listened to many of his recorded sermons on spiritual warfare. These people are excellent teachers on this and many other subjects.

My written source for instructions on spiritual warfare is the Holy Bible (King James Version), including Judges, Psalms, Ezekiel, Isaiah and the gospel teachings of Saint Paul.

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

– Ephesians 6:10-13

An excellent secular book on this subject is 

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis.

§  Spiritual Warfare

§  Spiritual Warfare With Rev. Franklin Sanders

§  Spiritual Warfare With Jon Rappoport

§  Commentary: A Week in Assisi

Tapeworm Economics

The story of how a tapeworm parasitically eats away at its ecosystem came at a moment when the math lover in me was reacting to a description of America as the new Roman Empire. The investment economics of American imperial conquest more closely resemble a tapeworm than the methods of the ancient Romans.

A tapeworm – the parasite that eats its host over time – more accurately describes the demonic pattern of stripping communities of intellectual capital, as observed in American imperial conquest. The “dumbing down” so often complained about within America is a phenomenon that the US military appears to be implementing globally. We seem intent on removing spiritual power and intelligence as we depopulate the planet, moving honest, competent people out while moving corrupt bureaucrats in.

Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the American Tapeworm is that it has organized its leadership around private banks and defense contractors and its governance and intellectual “air cover” around think tanks and private universities with tax-exempt endowments.

§  The American Tapeworm

A Unipolar Versus Multipolar World

In a unipolar world, you have one entity setting the rules and enforcing them — which is what we see today. For example, there is actually very little diplomacy taking place within the US State Department. The State Department should be called the “US Department of Orders and Ultimatums.”

§  A Unipolar Versus Multipolar World (PDF)

§  The Saker: A Unipolar Versus Multipolar World

§  The Emerging Multipolar World With the Saker: Russia, Ukraine, & the Risks of War

§  The Emerging Multipolar World With the Saker: Russia, Syria, & Recommendations for a Trump Presidency

§  Russia and Global Geopolitics With the Saker

§  The Essential Saker: From the Trenches of the Emerging Multipolar World

Why Trump Won the Election

§  The Productivity Backlash

“Gideon (& the “Midianite Thing”)

§  The Story of Gideon

Going Direct

§  The “Going Direct” Global Reset


§  FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes