Masters of Health Magazine December 2023 | Page 102

Resistant strains of pathogens, nosocomial and iatrogenic disease/trauma is rampant.  We are threatened with bird flu, SARS, MRSA, flesh eating bacteria, infertility, Covid and unheard-of strains of sexually transmitted diseases, also becoming antibiotic resistant.

We see generation after generation of families in which genetic defects are showing up earlier with successive age group.  The grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 60, the mother in her 40’s, the granddaughter before the age of 20.  Neither the government nor the private sector has proposed any acceptable stabilizing solutions as to how to solve the problems that have been created. But the answer may literally be right under our noses.

The frequencies of the voice have proven to be invaluable to predict and diagnose well-being or the lack thereof.  The Mayo Clinic, MIT and others have taken-up the path to examine voice analysis as a predictive source of information.

During the holidays we often challenge ourselves to Improve our health, with an emphasis on diet and weight.

This season, The Institute of Biology wants to share the opportunity to mathematically address via vocal analysis the issues of diet and weight.  Within the public WorkStation, [] vocal analyses dealing with weight issues are being offered using several templates:  BioDiet (neurotransmitters), Ultimate Diet (biochemistry), LipoEdema (as in stubborn weight gathered around the upper thighs and hips), Fat Switch (Genetics) and a new one that has become apparent, Thermogenesis. 

From the vocal prints that have been submitted by volunteers, we chose many who had weight issues, many of which reported an intolerance to cold.  We decided to dig deeper and found an incredible amount of information related to low body temperature and the inability to lose weight.  If you would like to be part of our ongoing research, please visit our public site – – and leave us a vocal recording following the instructions on the front page. A printed reports will be sent to you that you can share with your wellness provider.

We will continue to bring you information in the coming year about the math-based frequencies of your voice and how frequency can potentially influence your wellbeing.

Stressed frequencies for December: It is a puzzle that a hormone from the pituitary comes into play.

Lipotropin helps control appetite and is related to growth hormones as well as being the frequency of an obesity gene at the same time.   Sometimes I wonder which came first – the holidays or the universal frequencies that seem to regulate the activities that come with holiday activities.  From the research that we do here with frequencies and math – I’m convinced that God is/was a mathematician.

The body’s responses to frequencies are redundant.  A muscle and a biochemical can respond to similar frequencies.  A muscle in stress will often warn you of what is to come.  For instance, a muscle behind the knee, is the same frequency as the heart muscle.

Muscles in stress for December:  Adductor magnus – hip joints and butt muscles just moving out of stress with the infraspinatus and big toes coming into activation the first of December.

Throughout the entire month of December, muscle stress in back and thighs are active.

Methionine is optimally active this month.  It is an incredible amino acid that helps the body detox along with aspartic acid.  Methionine helps the body build other amino acids such as cysteine (for digestion and as a precursor of Glutathione – a strong antioxidant), carnitine (for healthy heart and fatty acid metabolism), taurine(for healthy eyes, calcium signaling, for healthy muscles and strength plus formation of nutrients needed to utilize fats and other essential components of metabolism such as lecithin (for healthy skin, cholesterol metabolism and for support of brain function), phosphatidylcholine (for metabolic transport and signaling) and phospholipids (a major component of all cells).  Improper utilization of Methionine can lead to atherosclerosis and premature graying of hair – which is caused by a build-up of hydrogen peroxide in the hair follicles.  Methionine requires B12 as a cofactor and is often low in vegetarians.  Together with cysteine, methionine is involved with the metabolism of Lipotropin mentioned above.

Differing aspects of Vitamin D seems to have dominated the KeyNotes for the last few months; and it still  continues.

We are moving away from biochemical issues (such a methionine from earlier) to issues more related to the structure of the body.  The Vocal Cords, voice box and throat are on the top of the list of stressed muscles during the first week of December.  Many are noticing a scratchy, sore throat that is not long in duration.  It is being reported that a simple salt gargle is taking care of the irritation.

Knee stabilizing muscles, the small muscles or the chest and the shoulder girdle, collectively are secondary stressed muscles this month. 

Cranky and stiff joints are upon us; primarily the fingers, knees and neck seem to be involved.   

Vision should be clearing up along with any gout you may have been experiencing.  Blood pressures should be coming into line again along with a lessening of Strontium 90’s influence. 

Remember that Radiation Exposure evaluationsare available to the public from the voice evaluation link on our Portal site. Many charts are included that show correlations and nutritional antidotes

This column strives to bring you the latest in innovative ideas from the emerging field of Human BioAcoustics in support of SELF-HEALTH; especially important for this month, is the use of iron.


Resolving the pandemic’s FATIGUE epidemic

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BioAcoustically Speaking, iron has a critical relationship to pandemic caused FATIGUE all through the month of Dec.



Whether it be 5G or pandemic residue, BioAcoustically Speaking, both situations have been found to be closely involved with the use of iron within the body.  Not just the presence of iron but with the use of iron via iron regulatory proteins. Research completed in December 2019 confirmed that Iron regulatory proteins have a direct mathematical relationship with the gene and proteins associated with the threatened pandemic.

A plethora of credible press articles list FATIGUE as the #1 complaint of people who have had Covid or the touted inoculations.  Hemoglobin is a regulator of iron metabolism and iron is a major constituent of hemoglobin, the primary oxygen transport protein in red blood cells.   Hemoglobin in blood carries oxygen from the respiratory organs to the rest of the body’s tissues. There it releases the oxygen to permit aerobic respiration to provide energy to power functions of an organism in the process called metabolismWithout the necessary presence and appropriate metabolism of iron, FATIGUE is the major result, with a myriad of accompanying complaints, from brittle fingernail, through glucose and thyroid metabolism to life threatening leukemia.